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不要剥夺你自己。Don't deprive yourself.

他企图剥夺我们一角钱。He had sought to deprive us of dime.

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乔是不会让自己饿肚子的。Joe doesn't deprive himself of food.

不要剥夺你微不足道的孩子的福佑!Do not deprive Thy worthless child of bliss!

却连自己家人的快乐都想剥夺!Not even their families want to deprive happy!

若被发现,我们将取消其HL会籍。If found, we will deprive of rights of HL membership.

有一些树木遮住了房中的光线。There are some trees that deprive the house of light.

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有些电影明星的行为会令孩童腐化堕落。The acts of some movie stars could deprive young children.

你们享尽一切快乐,也剥夺不了我的快乐。You enjoy all the joy, also can't deprive me of happiness.

如果剥夺了她们受教育的权利,国家就不能进步。If you deprive them of education, the nation cannot progress.

他好出风头之毛病让他毫无隐私可言。His constant taking center stage could deprive him of his privacy.

永远不要击碎别人的希望,因为这可能是他唯一拥有的财富。Never deprive anyone of hope, it could be the only thing a person owns.

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这种合同使得保险公司失去机会重新评估风险的大小。Such contracts deprive insurers of the opportunity to recalibrate risks.

如果你剥夺这些人所有的感觉,他们会把你当做父亲一样来对待。If you deprive people of alltheir senses, they’ll turn to you like their daddy.

瞻徇恶人的情面,偏断义人的案件,都为不善。It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice.

那些受贿释放罪人,夺取义人权利的人!To those who acquit the guilty for bribes, and deprive the just man of his rights!

技术主义的政治哲学则剥夺了教师的反思才能。Technical and political philosophies deprive the ability of teachers to reflect on.

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像一个金鱼缸一样,互联网可能会剥夺我们每个人的隐私权。The Internet society, like a goldfish bowl, may deprive of the privacy of everyone.

网络社会象金鱼缸一样透明,可以剥夺每个人的隐私权。The internet society, like a goldfish bowl, may deprive of the privacy of everyone.

普劳迪博士会同意夺走教会的全部集体权力与统治。Dr proudie would consent to deprive the church of all collective authority and rule.