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我们听说你在葛法翁所行的一切,也在你的家乡这里行罢!Do here in your town what they say you did in Capernaum.

上了船,要过海往迦百农去。And entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum.

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这些话是耶稣在迦百农会堂里教训人说的。These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.

有一个大臣,他的儿子在迦百农患病。And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.

耶稣从拿撒勒去了迦百农,就是成为现在他的家的地方。From Nazareth Jesus then went to Capernaum which now became his home.

我们听见你在迦百农所行的事,也当行在你自己家乡里。Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.

有一个大臣,他的儿子在迦百农患病。And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum.

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我们今天所读的故事,是发生在加利利北部的一个小镇迦百农。Our story for today takes place in the small town of Capernaum in northern Galilee.

他是一个渔夫,同他的妻子和岳母一起住在迦百农。He was a fisherman by trade and resided at Capernaum with his wife and mother-in-law.

这个罗马的百夫长是驻在加利利海边的迦百农城。This Roman Centurion was stationed at Capernaum a town on the edge of the Sea of Galilee.

过了些日子,耶稣又进了迦百农。人听见他在房子里。And again he entered into Capernaum after some day and it was noised that he was in the house.

耶稣对百姓讲完了这一切的话,就进了迦百农。Now when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people, he entered into Capernaum.

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他同他的妻子和岳母一起住在加利利湖边的迦百农,他是一个渔夫。He lived in Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee with his wife and mother-in-law and was a fisherman.

但马可及马太福音中,晚于此,就来到迦百农。According to Mark and Matthew it's later in their Gospels then moves and makes his home in Capernaum.

那税关离葛法翁很近,座落在从远东通往地中海区域的贸易大道上。It was located not far from Capernaum on the great trade route that led from the East to the Mediterranean.

当时,迦百农的百姓在惊奇中知道自己亲眼看见了神藉著耶稣彰显祂的大能。In their awe the crowd at Capernaum knew they were face to face with the power of God in the person of Jesus.

后来,他们在湖西北面的迦百农作业,可能因为他们在该城有更好的鱼生意。Later they worked out of Capernaum on the northwestern side. It could be that city was a better market for their fish.

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耶稣又到了加利利的迦拿、就是他从前变水为酒的地方.有一个大臣、他的儿子在迦百农患病。So he came to Cana in Galilee, where he had made the water wine. And there was a certain man of high position whose son was ill at Capernaum.

耶稣喂饱五千人这是除了耶稣复活以外唯一在四部福音书里都有记载的神迹。耶稣那时在加百农的地方。Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand This is the only miracle besides Jesus' resurrection that is reported in all four Gospels. Jesus had been in the area of Capernaum.

暗示他们认为迦百农是耶稣传道中心,那是因为马可及马太福音中,当时耶稣在拿撒勒讲话时,迦百农是他的传道中心。Implying that they think of Capernaum as his home base, well that's because by that time in Mark and Matthew, it was his home base, by the time he gives this speech in Nazareth.