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沿着湖湾的边沿。Along the margin of a bay.

缩少字型和页边空白处。Reduce font size and margin.

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肝在右肋缘下可触知。The liver was costal margin.

误差值是多少?What was the margin of error?

现在,是一个很大的安全裕度。Now that's a big safety margin.

向来缘浅,奈何情深。Alwayss margin of shallow How deep.

但不能阻止边水内侵。But it can't stop the margin water.

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他在页边加了评注。He inserted a comment in the margin.

留意她眼珠里的图像。So, margin the reflection in her eye.

他的考试成绩跟及格线擦边。He passed the exam by a narrow margin.

眼下,小布什的优势已经缩小到了154票。Bush’s margin was now down to 154 votes.

确保较高的利润率。Be certain you have a high profit margin.

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向来缘浅,奈何情深。Always margin of shallow, helpless feeling.

每页边上都有批注。There are notes in the margin on every page.

对第3次补仓不回应,止损放弃。Never answer a margin call more than 3 times.

在书页边上作注释或记录。To inscribe or enter in the margin of a page.

叶片和萼裂片的边缘具缘毛。Margin of leaf blades and calyx lobes ciliate.

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里德先生在一本手册的页边空白处记笔记。Mr. Reid made notes in the margin of a manual.

这一价格可获厚利。This price will allow a good margin of profit.

佛说,缘是劫来,劫为缘。Buddha said, is to survive, rob margin for rim.