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他渴望一试身手。He's itching for a try.

我真想打一架。I'm itching for a fight.

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他的双臂也不再痒了。So did the itching in his anus.

我渴望知道这个策略是如何工作的。I was itching to see how this worked.

你被蚊子咬的地方还痒吗?Are your mosquito bites still itching?

瘙痒表明得了霉菌病。Show that the itching had aspergillosis.

里斯又开始挠他的右手了。Leith started itching his right hand again.

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孩子们不耐烦地等着电影开映。The children are itching for the film to begin.

他痒得几乎忍不住了。The itching was almost more than he could stand.

你是否心痒难熬地要从美元的下跌中捞取好处呀?Are you itching to profit from the falling dollar?

腋窝痒是怎么回事?Axillary how is itching to return a responsibility?

奥顿市长又把他的手指塞进发痒的耳朵里。Mayor orden had his finger back in his itching ear.

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现在,人们都伸着脖子等他作出反应。Now everyone was itching to see how he would react.

我也很想要了解惠普的网络操作系统设备的细节。I’m itching to learn details about HP’s WebOS device.

她没有好转并且她的手掌开始发痒。She didn't get better, and her palms started itching.

她眼睛周围又痛又痒。新开韩版中变传奇。She has some pains thatnos why itching round her eyes.

他急于想有机会表现一下他的英语才能。He was itching to have a chance to show off his English.

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很多女性在流汗时都会有皮肤痕痒的经验。Many women experience noticeable itching when they sweat.

当人们被蚊子叮咬时,盐甚至帮助止痒。Salt even helps to stop the itching from a mosquito bite.

在冬眠了几个月之后,他们开始手痒想行动。After hibernating for months, they are itching for action.