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在偏颇的路上小心翼翼地踏步。Each careful step along the byway.

这条崎岖的羊肠小道非常难走。This bumpy, meandering byway is difficult to negotiate.

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我计划了每条规划的路线,一路上每个小心的脚步。I've planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway.

本旅程最后一节目是经过一条风景幽美的小路往海滩走走。The last skirt of our trip was to go through a scenic byway , and stopped at a beach.

风景道理念在21世纪初期被引入中国,并在短时间内得以较快发展。At the beginning of 21st century, the concept of scenic byway has been introduced into China and quickly developed.

联邦和州政府稳定的基金资助是国家风景道体系建设项目资金的重要来源。The stable federal and state funding is the importance financial resource for the construction of national scenic byway system.

为了缓解交通拥挤,一条新的辅道在正在修建,还计划对离海岸稍远处,被生活污水弄脏的海水进行净化。To ease roadway congestion, a new byway is under construction, and plans are in place to clean up the sewage-tainted waters farther offshore.

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少数矿体或主矿体旁侧小矿体呈脉状、或具尖灭再现、分支复合特征。A handful of Lode country or main Lode country byway little orebody assume vein, or have the characteristic of balk reappear, compound of branch.

沿着面向雄鹿湖的羽毛河风景小路,去追赶明亮色调的秋天远景,瞭望陡峭的峡谷,这样就可以组成了一日游。Take the Feather River Scenic Byway toward Bucks Lake to catch brightly-hued autumn vistas and steep canyon lookouts, all packed into a single day-trip.

同时系统网络中心设备通过ATM骨干网、城域传输网络与网关进行通讯、话务转接、计费等。The network center equipment can communicate with the gateway byway of the network of ATM and MAN , and transfer the voice packets, and bill every call record.

令人愉快的都柏林图片。卖艺人表演行人在繁忙的格拉夫顿街,南边旁道充满有顶级零售店,包括旗舰布朗托马斯百货公司。A busker plays to pedestrians on busy Grafton Street, the Southside byway brimming with top retail establishments, including the flagship Brown Thomas department store.

去年这个时候,我家附近位于北京大兴这个地方正在建一条将在明年开通的高速公路。So, over the past year and a dose I've cast anchor amongst the steel libraries and midnight wattage spirits of a byway under construction close to my home in Daxing, Beijing.

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从评估流程与机构、评估程序、评估方法和评估标准等方面对美国风景道评估体系进行了较详细的论述。The paper makes detailed exposition on the assessment processes and institutions, procedures, methods and standards of the scenic byway assessment system of the United States.

然而,目前我国风景道理论研究尚处于起步阶段且非常零散,主要是为了满足规划实践的需要衍生的,缺乏较为全面和系统的理论框架研究。However, it has just started. As it served for the need of planning practical activities, the study of scenic byway lacks of comprehensive and systematic research and paradigm study.

风景道是旅游与交通功能相结合的景观道路,具有交通价值、景观价值、游憩价值、历史价值、文化价值、自然价值、文物价值等多重功能。Scenic byway is a combination of tourism and transport function of the landscape road, which has the multiple value of traffic, landscape, recreational, historical, cultural and natural.