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吾信任轻率之傻子而猜疑律师。I trust an indiscreet fool and suspect a lawyer.

这是轻率发表推文的最新警讯。It is the latest warning of the dangers of indiscreet tweeting.

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我不愿意让我们的感激变成失礼或勉强。I would not have our gratitude become indiscreet or importunate.

提及朋友的名字是被禁止的。It was forbidden to mention names of friends as it is indiscreet.

每个人「各扫门前雪」,我们就不再需要人家帮什麽倒忙?Let " everyone sweep his area" and we will no longer need indiscreet help.

帝国检查员轻率行为立即得到了鹰派成员的肯定。The imperial censor's indiscreet conducts was countenanced by the hawk immediately.

她这个人口紧,不会随便乱说话,你尽可以放心。You can rest assured that she will not make any indiscreet remarks as she is tight- lipped.

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在彼此了解之前就问一些个人问题是很不谨慎的。It's indiscreet to ask personal questions until you get to know each other. Would you answer?

从前,谨慎—或者轻率—午餐都是提高速度更愿选择的结构。Once upon a time, the discreet — or indiscreet — lunch was the preferred mechanism for getting up to speed.

然而,剩下的人争辩说网上交友不谨慎,因为网络友谊不靠谱。However, the rest of them argue that it is indiscreet to make net friends because internet friendship is not reliable.

凯西奥我宁愿恳求他唾弃我,也不愿蒙蔽他的聪明,让这样一位贤能的主帅手下有这麽一个酗酒放荡的不肖将校。Cassio. I will rather sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with so slight, so drunken, and so indiscreet an officer.

专家及律师们指出,离婚律师已开始利用社交网站上的帖子为他们的当事人从出言轻率的配偶那里争取更高的赡养费。Divorce lawyers have used information in social-media posts to extract higher alimony payments from indiscreet spouses, experts and lawyers report.

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我已经差不多放弃了喝酒,因为我意识到就算一小杯酒或者啤酒都会让我变得又好斗又冲动——然后就是极其恶心、想睡。I more or less gave up drinking because I realized that even just one glass of wine or a beer made me feel belligerent and indiscreet — and then desperately sleepy.

众所周知的传闻,普遍和精确的办公室交流系统,总是服务于老板对低级员工做出轻率的评价。The proverbial grapevine, that ubiquitous and often-accurate office communication system, is always put into service by an indiscreet comment from a boss to a subordinate.

同时,每日电讯报也披露一则近似相同的消息,表明如果有一丝的不慎将会使舰队街的旗帜倒下。Tellingly, The Daily Telegraph carries a near-identical report, suggesting that someone at Chelski may have been a little indiscreet in the company of Fleet Street's finest.

根据周五的一篇报道,俄罗斯的国会议员以及他们的助手们很快就要被迫禁穿迷你裙以及轻浮的举止了。Russian MPs and their aides will soon have to follow a new ethics code forbidding miniskirts and indiscreet behaviour that may tarnish the image of parliament, a report said on Friday.