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一些人就一生嗟叹。Some of us whimper along life's way.

我们中的一些人就哀诉生活多难。Some of us whimper that life's all wrong.

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狗狗焦虑或者受到伤害的时候就会发车这种呜咽声。Dogs whimper when they're anxious or hurt.

最后呜咽一声后,它转身朝东而去。With one final whimper he turned and headed east.

你肯会开始不住的呻吟和啜泣。You will no doubt begin to moan, groan and whimper.

我要欢呼庆祝,不要吸泣哀诉。I was born to toast victories, not to whimper and whine.

我听到了每一个她因为我的呻吟而不堪重负的呜咽声。I heard her every stressed-out whimper my groaning triggered.

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他不可能一声不吭地忍受鞭打。He could not possibly have endured a whipping without a whimper.

那个被判罪的囚犯抖缩着并开始抽泣请求宽恕。The condemned prisoner cowered and began to whimper for clemency.

那个小女孩因为不能吃饼乾而啜泣了起来。The little girl started to whimper when she couldn't have a cookie.

此外,加拿大媒体把“比哈尔邦的繁荣”比作“呜咽”。The Canadian media has also likened "the boom in Bihar" to "a whimper".

裁缝的妻子抱着个包裹,包裹里有呜咽声。The tailor's wife bore a bundle in her arms, and the bundle began to whimper.

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突然,山下传来欢叫声,我俯视山谷,那里升起了篝火。Suddenly, I heard the whimper , looked down the hollow and noticed the bonfire.

惟一不能确定的是,这一制度是将猛烈还是无力地死去。The only unknown was whether the system would disappear with a bang or a whimper.

他看起来是死于一声枪响,但其实很早以前,他就已经在一声呜咽中死去了。He might appear to have died with a bang. But he had long since died with a whimper.

蕾切尔加劲咬住塞拉的脚,呜咽着看向蔡司。Rachel bit down harder on Sara's foot and let out a little whimper as she looked up at Chase.

有时,它会明白只要它呜咽就会得到重视,它就会利用这个对它有利的交流方式了。Sometimes they figure out that they get attention when they whimper and use this to their advantage.

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我们不想哭泣着离开,我们知道必须要小心谨慎,但不能谨慎过度。We don't want to go out with a whimper. We know we have to be cautious but we cannot be over-cautious.

尽管听起来可能有些怪异,但真若调降评级,或许只是在金融市场掀起小小涟漪,而非轩然大波.Strange as it may sound, a downgrade could resound in financial markets more with a whimper than a bang.

一些专家认为,婴儿听到其它宝宝哭的时候,也会哭或者哇哇乱叫,这就是同情心的最初表现。Some experts maintain that infants display empathy when they whimper or cry upon hearing another baby cry.