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财富不一定会带来幸福。Happiness is not always annexe to wealth.

她已调到附属建筑的办事处去了。She's been shunted off to an office in the annexe.

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旅游团的成员被分配到饭店的辅楼下榻。The party were allocated room in the hotel annexe.

西方外交人员确认了这份附件的真实性。Western diplomats confirmed that the annexe was authentic.

该战争由对一块狭长土地霸占的争议所引起。The war is caused by a dispute over the annexe of a strip of land.

征收对象通常为别墅或者公寓,但也包括其他的不动产,例如附属设施。Generally this means houses or flats but it can also include other types of dwelling, such as an annexe or caravan.

现冒昧寄上本年度葡萄酒出口价格表一份,请多关照。We take the liberty of annexe our export price of wine for the current year, and solicit the favour of your patronage.

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该附件和车库建造木材从模块化磁带系统的斯堪的纳维亚夹层部分门窗。The annexe and garage are constructed from the modular timber cassette system with scandinavian laminated section windows and doors.

因此,从舞蹈的发展道路过去附件和车库,房屋,温室,然后就到花园是一个合乎逻辑的顺序。Thus the choreographed progression from road past annexe and garage, to house, glasshouse and then on to garden are a logical sequence.

科技遇见科幻在这个美丽的自然历史博物馆,声称把传统的博物馆内到外的经验。Science meets sci-fi in this stunning new annexe of the Natural History Museum, which claims to turn the traditional museum experience "inside out".

西哥特人惯于向世界索取,任何派系被他们收服,都将付出沉重代价。A people accustomed to taking what the world offers, the Visigoths rarely go hungry, and exact a heavy price on any factions they annexe into tributary states.

这份附件称,伊朗科学家可能已经进行了一项在半球内的爆炸测试,这正是内爆型核弹头引爆的方式。The annexe said Iranian scientists had engaged in "probable testing" of explosives arranged in a hemisphere, which is how an implosion-type nuclear warhead is triggered.