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或者是花菜。Or broccoli.

你喜欢吃花椰菜吗?。Do you like broccoli?

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花茎甘蓝是花吗?Is broccoli a flower?

比如西兰花和甘蓝菜。Take broccoli and kale.

你也喜欢吃绿花菜吗?Do you also like to eat broccoli?

菠菜和西兰花就是很好的来源。Spinach and broccoli are good sources.

请来一个猪肉片炒西兰花。Fried broccoli with sliced pork, please.

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如果你想要蔬菜,你可以去吃花椰菜。If you want a vegetable, go eat broccoli.

不喜欢吃椰菜?也许原因在于你的基因。Don't like broccoli? Your DNA may explain why.

将椰菜花及西兰花铺放于焗盘中。Spread cauliflower and broccoli in baking tray.

撒上切好的红辣椒粒和西兰花。sprinkle with reserved red peppers and broccoli.

鲍贝,带子,黑冬菇和西兰花。Baby Abalone, Scallop, Black Mushroom & Broccoli.

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带子,鲍贝,黑冬菇和西兰花。Scallop, Baby Abalone, Black Mushroom & Broccoli.

草莓、桔子、甜椒、西兰花Strawberries, Oranges, Sweet Red Peppers, Broccoli

青菜是紫色的西兰花,上面滴满了奶油。Vege dish is a purple broccoli covered with cream.

它似乎就这么多,好了,只是西兰花。It seems like so much more than, well, just broccoli.

玛丽有一只小羊羔和一个小西兰花。Mary had a little lamb then she had a little broccoli.

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别管蔬菜沙拉,蒸花椰菜还有熟胡萝卜啦!Forget garden salads, steamed broccoli or cooked carrots.

接着放入西兰花和蘑菇,炒2分钟。Add the broccoli and mushrooms, and stir-fry for 2 minutes.

但是现在我们通常吃椰菜和其他蔬菜的时候才用酱蘸着吃。But today we often use broccoli and other veggies with dips.