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会议以肖邦的夜曲结束。The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin.

此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。In this nocturne Wen Zheliu, who doesn't have the native place sentiment.

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俄罗斯和东欧钢琴作品精选安东·鲁宾斯坦降G大调夜曲,作品28,第一首。Russian and Eastern European Piano Music Nocturne in Gb Major, Op. 28, No. 1

在折叠刘问,谁不能占用原立地条件夜曲。The Nocturne in folding Liu Wen, who can not afford to occupy the original site conditions.

在众多钢琴作品体裁中,夜曲可以说是他音乐创作中最精致的一组珍品。Among the many genres of piano works, Nocturne can be regarded as the most exquisite treasures.

肖邦在短暂的一生创作了大量的钢琴作品,而夜曲①是其钢琴作品中的重要组成部分。Chopin created lots of piano works in his short life, and nocturne was the most important component of his works.

以细腻的笔触创作出了极具艺术价值的钢琴夜曲共18首,从而开钢琴夜曲创作之先河。Delicate brushwork to create a highly artistic value of a total of 18 piano Nocturnes, a piano Nocturne Creation precedent.

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肖邦在夜曲中创造了完美的音乐语言、曲式结构、和声及调性手法。Chopin has created the perfect music language the musical form structure in the nocturne and the sound and adjusts the technique.

每过一年,也就是十五个地球年,两个星球就会距离最近而导致那克土恩火山的大运动和地震的大爆发。Once every Nocturne year, some fifteen Terran years long, the two worlds approach so closely that Nocturne is almost torn asunder.

一本随意翻开的书,一朵慵懒绽放的花,加以窗外夜景的点缀,不禁让你驻足于此。Something, maybe the open book by the hand, splendid flowers by the corner, or the nocturne by the window, would definitely make you linger.

我的文笔真的很不好呢,写的贺文很拙劣,本来想写一篇伤感的,但是夜曲妹纸,你本身就是欢快的,所以呢,采用欢快的手法了。My style of writing is really not very good, write an article to be clumsy, originally wanted to write a sad, but Nocturne sister paper, you are happy, therefore, the happy way.

结语——该部分从肖邦和福雷的夜曲的形态以及风格上的异同进行总结,是对全文研究成果的概述。Conclusion. This section, which is a summary of the full. text research results, makes a conclusion of similarities and differences of Chopin and Faure's Nocturne in modality and style.

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佛瑞进一步发展了夜曲的创作技法,他对和谐、均衡的形式,适度的表现以及高雅趣味的追求赋予夜曲全新的表情。Faure's Nocturne the further development of creative techniques, his harmony, in the form of a balanced, moderate and high performance pursuit of interesting Nocturne bring a new character.

它们在这个巨大且熟悉的地方寻寻觅觅着可以下咽的食物,吃饱了会不会在黑夜里吟唱着夜曲,谁知道呢,也没有人听到过。They huge and the familiar place are searching food which in this may deglutition, ate to the full has been able to recite the nocturne in the nighttime, who knew that also nobody has heard.

这些骑手将于6月11号参加在伦敦举行的伦敦诺科特妮自行车大赛,选手围绕历史悠久的史密斯菲尔德市场骑行30分钟另加5圈,优胜者将获得布鲁克斯-奥迪纳瑞奖杯。The cyclists will compete for the Brooks Ordinary trophy, a 30 minute plus 5 laps race, in the London Nocturne cycling event around the historic Smithfield Market in London on Saturday June 11.