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保护本国工业是种名正言顺的歧视。Protection for domestic industry is admittedly discriminatory.

不可否认的是,你需要一段时间才能适应它的界面。Admittedly the interface of Read-Me takes a while to adjust to.

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不可否认,我们的关注点集中在服务器和服务器补丁包。Admittedly to date, our focus has been on servers and server fix packs.

不可否认,这不值得一提,因为为此耗费了大量资源。Admittedly this isn't that impressive given the amount of resources spent.

并且,这已经产生了一些不可否认的,非常开拓性的模式回到了镇上。And that has drawn some admittedly rather pioneering types back into town.

人们承认这种方法带有人为性并且过分简单化。There is admittedly artificiality and oversimplification in this approach.

显然,他可能是个不错的男人,但你对他并没有奴性的承诺。Admittedly he might be a nice man, but you don't owe him slavish commitment.

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纳维-斯托克斯方程是描述流体运动的基础物理模型。Navier-Stokes equations is a admittedly physically-based fluid dynamics model.

诚然,来自书本上的知识也是宝贵的,然而而且多多益善。Admittedly , knowledge gained from books is also valuable and the more the better.

诚然,廉署在七十年代成立之初,并没有采纳开放策略。Admittedly , transparency was not a policy pursued by the icac in its early years.

不成否认,当法官让我协助执行汤姆的缓刑时,我很懊恼。I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom's probation.

诚然,现在用户评论博客帖子并不费事,只需轻点几下鼠标即可。Admittedly any blog post is only a click away from a user being able to comment on it.

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球幕联盟明显对是否挑选了正确的“第一部电影”非常紧张。The Dome Alliance was admittedly nervous about picking the right "first film" for support.

诚然,时间在我们看来是一直流逝的,但是我们就是不清楚它是怎样流逝的。But while it admittedly seems to us that time moves along, it’s just not clear how it does so.

我从未想到会有那种反应。"I never expected thatkind of reaction, " says Waugh, an admittedly nonreligious physicist."But

双剑合壁固然优势巨大,但也有很多缺陷。Shuang Jian adds up to a wall admittedly the advantage is huge, but also have a lot of drawback.

蓝色铅笔确实能让你给草图修饰过头,哪怕并不需要这样。And the blue pencil admittedly gives you the ability to be a bit fussier than perhaps you need to be.

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诚然,这份名单的简短部分是由于我对哲学未予阐明的狭隘定义。Admittedly the brevity of this list is a result in part of my implicitly defining philosophy narrowly.

我们以前从未尝试过唇部磨砂类产品,但是用了这款产品后果然小嘴儿就嫩起来了呢,现在都用得不亦乐乎了。We’ve admittedly never tried loose lip scrub before, but it leaves lips so soft, now we can’t get enough.

固然跟这个北京媳妇是一而再再而三的吵架,但是为了儿子,杨曼莉决议忍受。With the Beijing daughter-in-law is admittedly over again to quarrel, but YangManLi resolution stand, son.