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把缆绳系在这系缆墩上。Belay on this cleat.

你要信任你的保护站。You need to trust your belay stations.

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固定保护绳包括锚点、摩擦力和位置。The belay consists of anchor, friction, and position.

此人最大的功能就是可以保护攀登者的安全。The person at the belay station securing the climber.

我已帮你完成确保了,如果你真的失足,我会抓住你的。I've got you on belay . I'll hold you if you do slip off.

“行了,约翰!”墨利说,“别埋汰一个死鬼。”"Belay there, John! " said Merry. "Don't you cross a spirit. "

大多数固定保护绳事故都是由于保护者的失误造成的。Most belay accidents are caused through failure of the belayer.

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指导员蒋示范如何把绳索拴在系绳索和系安全扣等。The instructor demonstrates how to belay and safety knots used.

您的导向手应放在绳栓摩擦制动装备上面。Your guide hand is placed above the belay device friction brake.

停住!把绳拴在港口上,用排水管排掉甲板和船尾的水!Avast! Belay the port jib, and scupper the mains'l on the poop deck!

唯有真爱出现,它才会紧紧的套住她的手指!Only has really likes appearing, it only then can tight belay her finger!

细孔与幼绳同用或可作保护板用。Small hole can be used with thin ropes if necessary, or as a belay plate.

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我也一直是确保失败这种悲惨意外发生时的作证专家。I have also been an expert witness at a tragic accident when a belay failed.

有的固定保护绳装置协助保护者保护上面或下面的攀岩者。Many belay devices aid the belayer in protecting the climber above or below.

在线路的顶部,最后一个保护站往往设在悬崖的边上。At the top of the routes, the last belay is often placed on the edge of the cliff.

有一个专门的系绳索器,让指导者牢牢的把绳子固定着。A belay device is a fail-safe device which lets the instructor keep your rope tight.

在保护站设置变向保护点是应用于有螺栓锚点的多段结组运动攀。A redirect on the belay station is for multi-pitchsport climbing, with bolted anchors.

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在保护站设置变向保护点是应用于有螺栓锚点的多段结组运动攀。A redirect on the belay station is for multi-pitch sport climbing, with bolted anchors.

当我做最后一次尝试前在确保处休息,我有充裕的时间思考状况,我想象。While resting at the belay before my final effort, I had plenty of time to consider the situation.

我站在大厦的走廊,两头的电梯口都有一个大窗,正方形的光套住我。I stand in the building corridor, two elevator mouths have a big window, the square light belay me.