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知识经济无形化的趋势,不断冲击着现行无形资产会计模式。With the intangibility of intellectual economy, current accounting mode is now being impacted.

梦的虚无缥缈、神秘体验的不可思议,都使吉本的“神秘”小说显得更加扑朔迷离。The intangibility of dreams and exploration of mysteries both make her novels more complicated.

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由于单个的词汇比较零散,不便于研究,所以一直以来人们把研究的对象局限在了结构成分方面。Due to the intangibility of words, most of the learning and teaching focus is laid on structural elements.

活着-死去是有形向无形的转换,存在的-质并没有改变。To live—to die is a transformation from materiality to intangibility while the essence of an entity never changes.

随着知识经济的到来,高校资产结构由有形化向无形化方向发展。With the approach of knowledge economy, college assets structure develops from tangibility to-wards intangibility.

第三必须对新的东西保持好奇心,没有好奇心,也就不能把握新的机会了。The 3rd must maintain curiosity to new thing, without curiosity, also with respect to intangibility new opportunity.

他说不上她的笑里藏的是些什么--多情的苦恼,或者只是一种理想,一种冰清玉洁的幻想。He could not tell what was behind that smile of hers-passionate aching or only some ideal, some chaste and glacial intangibility.

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珠儿对她母亲的感情或者是看出了,或者是感应到了,要不就是她自己也觉得牧师已经笼罩在遥不可及之中了。Pearl either saw and responded to her mother's feelings, or herself felt the remoteness and intangibility that had fallen around the minister.

尽管服务所具有的无形特性,使得服务商标被许可使用人无法直接在其提供的服务上标明其名称及地址。The inherent intangibility of service determines that the licensee of service marks cannot directly indicate his name and address on the service he offers.

由于服务具有无形性、不可分割性、变異性与无法储存等特性,造成业者在经营过程中的高度不确定性。Because of characteristics of the service industry such as intangibility , inseparability, variability, and perishability, it makes service provider to face highly uncertain.

与他基于借鉴英语词汇发音而创作的雕刻状作品并行的是,宇治野宗辉一直在探索实际物体,那些实际事物隐含着有形和无形的东西。Parallel to his creation of sculpture-like works based on the sounds of English-loaned words, Ujino continuously explores with physical objects that connote tangibility and intangibility.