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请勿在陡峭的斜坡上刈草。Do not mow steep slopes.

我们需要给草坪剪草了。We need to mow the lawn.

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他雇人割草。He hired a man to mow the lawn.

让您可以撂倒敌人。Allows you to mow down your opponents.

能不能找个十几岁的少年来帮你除草?Could you find a teenager to mow the lawn?

我帮我妈妈打扫、帮我爸爸用刈草机割草。I helped my mom clean up and my dad mow the lawn.

宝贝儿,你希望修剪院子里的草坪还是扫过道?Would you like to mow the yard or sweep the sidewalk?

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每个星期都得刈草坪真把我烦死了。I'm cheesed off with having to mow the lawn every week.

小心的扒开那些草丛,未免割伤了她的脸蛋。Carefully push aside those, was to mow to harm her face.

我想他可能曾经付钱让我给他割草坪或其他什么的。I think he may have paid me to mow his lawn or something.

我们得把大田里的高草割掉。We shall have to mow down the tall grass in the big field.

我希望他们是两个怪人,也许那时我就可以让他们任何一个修草坪了。Maybe then I'll be able to get one of them to mow the lawn.

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每隔三天就得割草坪真把我烦死了。I'm cheesed off with having to mow the lawn every three days.

一个炎热而潮湿的夏日,我打算修剪那凸凹不平的草地。One hot and humid day, I decided to mow our extremely hilly lawn.

他苦学了几法语,现在已经掌握得很好了。He has fagged away at French for some years and has mow mastered it.

有一度我常进行体育运动,但现在好象没兴趣了。I used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest mow.

重新温习你故有的方式。用你的推草机修理草坪,步行运动起来吧。Revisit the ways of the past. Mow your lawn with a push mower. Walk more often.

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刚要开口答应,却被秋子初给半道截了去。Just wanted open jaws promise, but drive autumn son the beginning mow for half path.

骑车到那个退休的老医生家里只要很短的时间,我每个星期都去给他修剪草坪。It’s only a quick ride to reach the old retired doctor’s house, whose lawn I mow weekly.

我需要做的唯一一件能使我留在米底的事情,就是修理肯和琼的宽阔的草坪。The only thing I had to do to earn my keep in Media was mow Ken and Joan’s extensive lawn.