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我有一个主意。I get an idea.

他有了一个想法……He had an idea.

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我们有一个点子。We get an idea.

我喜欢这个想法。I like the idea.

还有没有其他主意?And another idea?

我喜欢这个想法。I like that idea.

我喜欢这种想法。I love that idea.

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这是我的构想。That was my idea.

这就是一个构想。This is the idea.

这是谁的主意?Whose idea is it?

你们明白的。You got the idea.

只是一念之差的事情!Just an idea away!

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我没有什么好的主意。I have no good idea.

俄狄浦斯情结是这样的。So, here's the idea.

享有自由的理想。The idea of liberty.

这个主意行得通。This idea will work.

他的想法很稚子。His idea is childish.

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这能让你有个概念It gives you an idea.

那是多笨的主意。That's a stupid idea.

后来她有了一个主意。Then she had an idea.