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佛教徒是个家庭型的男人。The Buddhist is a family man.

他们家附近有座佛寺。Buddhist temple near their home.

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他在镜中看到的是一名佛教徒。What he sees there is a Buddhist.

佛教慈善医院欢迎你们!Buddhist Charity Hospital Welcome!

安陆金泉禅寺,一处佛教场所。Jinquan Temple is a Buddhist site.

佛教徒有着无尽的理想。The Buddhist has plenty of ideals.

禅林和文化圣地。Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.

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“直心是道场”。Straight heart of Buddhist rituals.

那个和尚把一棵树连根拔起。The Buddhist monk disrooted a tree.

和尚合掌打坐。Buddhist monk sat with folded palms.

佛珠是佛教的象徵之一。The mala is one of Buddhist symbols.

法华院是一座佛教寺庙。The Fahua Temple is a Buddhist temple.

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这与暹罗人信仰佛教有紧密的联系。It relates to the Buddhist belief in Siam.

并且,它可能给佛教徒地方会集。Also, It can give buddhist a place to gather.

不要让乌云遮蔽我们的佛心慧日。Don't block our Buddhist heart in dark cloud.

又着力宣传佛理,阐述对佛教教义的解悟。He explained the Buddhist theory of doctrine.

佛教徒已经选择了贝林戈。The Buddhist has already chosen the Berlingo.

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皈依三宝的人是佛教徒或称佛弟子。The refuge in the buddhist or says buddhists.

我不懂这个“佛陀跟热狗摊贩”的笑话?I don't understand the "Buddhist hot-dog " joke?

维达人信仰万物有灵论和修行佛教。The Veddahs have Animist and Buddhist practices.