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难道你清醒之时亦是结束之日?。Is it over when you're sober?

直到现在他九年都都没醉过。Jason now has nine years sober.

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我大概两年没渴醉过了。I've been sober about two years.

两年后,我戒了酒。Now two years later, I am sober.

老生常谈,“Sober statement of an old problem.

我希望这杯咖啡能使他醒醒酒。I hope this coffee may sober him up.

喝杯咖啡来醒醒酒。Have a cup of coffee to sober you up.

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死亡之花于他清醒的眼中绽开。Death's flowers bloom in the sober eye.

我需要一杯茶来醒醒酒。I need a cup of tea to sober myself up.

咱们走吧,让他一个人清醒一下。Let's go and leave him alone to sober up.

苏海尔另一方面,更加清醒。Sohail, on the other hand, is more sober.

他昨天醺醺然的,但现在是清醒的。He was tipsy yesterday , but is now sober.

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他昨天醉醺醺的,但现在是清醒的。He was tipsy yesterday , but now is sober.

劳伦斯·伯格的人生态度一向比较严谨。Lawrence Burgh has a sober outlook on life.

各方的发言是冷静的,也是务实的。The speeches have been sober and pragmatic.

奥巴马36分钟的冷静演讲不时的被掌声所打断。It was a sober 36-minute speech by Mr. Obama.

虽然喝了很多酒,他仍然没醉。Having drunk much alcohol, he was still sober.

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他以很有分寸的诙谐重新返回这个话题。He rejoined the subject with sober jocularity.

在昨天的聚会上,我一点儿没醉,十分清醒。I was as sober as a judge at yesterday's party.

现在我不能和你谈,等你冷静之后咱们再谈吧。Now I can't talk with you until you sober down.