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这真的是一个缺陷吗?Is this really a defect?

一个瑕疵一8D报告。One defect one 8D report.

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我们如何能够修复这个缺陷?How can we fix the defect?

它是什么类型的缺陷?What type of defect is it?

查火星塞瑕疵。Check the spark plug for defect.

也可能会出现黄体期不足。A luteal phase defect may also occur.

在发布分支上针对缺陷打补丁。Patch the defect on the release branch.

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主情主义又有其先天的缺弊。Emotionalism also has its innate defect.

你是否有言语障碍?Are you troubled by any defect in speech?

这将会打开缺陷条目对话框。This should open the defect entry dialog.

既然我的美都崇拜你的缺陷。When all my best doth worship thy defect.

照相凹版的一种印刷故障。A printing defect occurred in photogravure.

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病种主要为房、室间隔缺损。Disease is mainly ventricular sepal defect.

看缺陷文件的时间戳。Look at the timestamps of the defect files.

首先,我们不知道每个缺陷引起的原因。First, we don't know the cause of each defect.

房间隔缺损的症状有哪些?What are the symptoms of an atrial septal defect?

你的缺陷就是厌恨别人。And your defect is a propensity to hate every body.

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你有一种倾向,──对什么人都感到厌恶,这就是你的缺陷。And your defect is a propensity to hate every body.

肠促胰岛素缺乏可称为“肠促胰岛素病”。The incretin defect could be named "incretinpathy".

这个缺陷记录将有一个状态变更的设置。The Defect record would have a set of state changes.