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将融合识别结果与基于D-S理论的方法进行了比较。And we also compare the result with that based on D-S evidential theory.

首先论述了侗族合唱音乐具有可考的悠久历史。Firstly, the article expounds that chorus music's long history is evidential.

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性别语言是语言学家们长期关注的课题。The linguistic forms of evidentiality are termed evidentials or evidential markers.

言据性在语法层次的体现被称为“据素”或“据素标记”。The linguistic forms of evidentiality are termed as evidentials or evidential markers.

所以我们可以看到一个证据的原因,选择奇迹的叙述中的福音。So we can see an evidential reason for the selection of the miracles as narrated in the Gospels.

这可能代表了伽利略的形式表达,若有的话,将所有的更多证据。This may represent the Galilean form of the expression, and, if so, would be all the more evidential.

第四章是本文的主体部分,研究在视角空间理论框架中的言据性现象。First, it will be pointed out that there is intersection part between evidential markers and space builders.

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基督的复活的价值,一般被视为在护教上,作为信仰的证据或支持。The resurrection has been looked at for its apologetic or evidential value – to support the Christian faith.

对于助动词,则采用列举的方法,分析几个助动词的传信表现。To the auxiliary verb, adopt the method listing then, having analysed several auxiliary verbs' evidential shows.

针对警察搜查不同的权力源,在证据要求上也应当不同。The evidential requirement for police search should be differential according to the different authority origins.

传信范畴与时体范畴、语气范畴、情态范畴一样,也是语言所固有的一个语法范畴。This is the evidential function. Evidentiality is a inherent syntax category, the same as tense, mood and modality.

我们正看到在有些村庄有些制造恐怖事件的阴谋正在蔓延,虽然还没有公开的挑衅。We are witnessing that in the villages there are attempts of conspiracy of spreading terror with not evidential claims.

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无论如何,中国下了决心要与西方缩小差距,现在已越来越明显了。One way or the other, China is determined to close the gaps with the West, and it has becoming more and more evidential.

商标异议书应当有明确的请求和事实依据,并附送有关证据材料。The letter of demurral shall include specific claims, be supported by facts and be accompanied by relevant evidential materials.

证据推理理论是研究在不确定情况下智能决策的有效方法之一。Evidential reasoning theory becomes one of the effective methods to study the intelligent decision in situation with uncertainty.

非中文资料如未附有中文译文将不被视为有效的和合法的证据材料。Any non-Chinese materials without attaching a Chinese translation shall not be considered as valid and lawful evidential material.

而我国目前主要是通过不起诉、自首、立功等一系列制度,来解决对受贿犯罪进行成功指控中的证据问题。While in our country, we usually take such methods as immunity from prosecution to solve the evidential problems in bribery cases.

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言据性研究经历了从拓扑学角度到认知、认知情态、叙事学和语用学等角度的历程。Evidential study went through from the perspective of typology to that of cognition, epistemic modality, narratology and pragmatics.

语气副词功能丰富,具有传信功能、情感功能以及语篇关联功能,是二语习得的一个重点。MA has many functions including evidential function, emotive function, and discourse coherence function, and it is the key point of SLA.

未表达实质内容的,商务部可以要求其补充相关内容和证据资料。The MOFCOM may, in the absence of substantial content, order the interested party to supplement relevant content and evidential materials.