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邦妮是女孩子的名字。Bonny is a girl's name.

可以扎起他棕色的头发。To tie up his bonny brown hair.

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别对这个漂亮的小姑娘这么凶吧。Don't be hard on the bonny lass.

也许我也会在梦里见到这只兔八哥。We may dreamed about this bug bonny.

杰迈玛是一个15岁的美丽漂亮的高地少女。Jemima was a bonny Highland lassie of 15.

告诉我,美丽的鸟儿,我哪年哪月穿嫁装?Tell me , thou bonny bird, when shall I marry me?

我对神发誓,我永远都不会说再见。And to the bonny Bann banks forever I ll bid adieu.

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我会永远一路平安地到达美丽的波恩湖畔。And to the bonny Bonn banks forever I 'll bid adieu.

就你这柴禾妞的身子骨谁看你哪?Who would want to go see that bonny body of yours anyway?

玛丽和安妮都被监禁起来,在那里玛丽死于一次发烧Mary was imprisoned with Anne Bonny where she died from a fever.

“别,”那女仆说,“丁太太,对这个漂亮的小姑娘别这么凶吧。Nay,' said the servant, `don't be hard on the bonny lass, Mrs Dean.

这是,安妮仙子的婚礼,——一个快乐的调子This is "Fairy Annie's `Wedding"--a bonny tune--it goes to a dance.'

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拉克姆被处决前,邦尼获准到囚室探望。Before Rackham's execution, Bonny was allowed to visit him in his cell.

我认为我们和Bonny的,谈话恰好说明了这一点。And I think that the conversation we have Bonny Grecy was perfect for that.

那就是我儿子,他身上常常闪耀着他妈妈的光彩。And that's my bonny boy. His mother just shines through him at moments like that.

春天像健壮的青年,有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚,领着我们上前去。Spring likes the bonny youth, who lead us go forward with the iron arms and feet.

就在浴缸被封起来之前,邦妮可能爬进底下,霍波特说。Just before tub was sealed up again, Bonny had probably crept underneath, Hoppert said.

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克莱尔对青年一代的队长,为女孩,并是什么,我的母亲会称为“波力”。Claire Young was the team leader for the girls, and was what my mother would call "bonny".

雷克汉姆的船被捕获,除了安妮·波尼和瑞德以外,其他的船员都接受了绞刑Rackham's ship was captured and the entire crew was hanged except for Anne Bonny and Read.

这使他的未婚妻安妮·波尼非常担心,因为她知道雷克汉姆是不会杀掉他的。This concerned his fiancé' Anne Bonny because she knew that Rackham was not able to shoot.