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“你好,托马斯。”克劳迪娅说。"Hello Thomas, " said Claudia.

“似乎是这样。”克劳迪娅说。"It seems to be, " said Claudia.

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克劳迪娅接受了桑德罗作为她的情人。Claudia accepts Sandro as her lover.

“这是真的,丽莎。”克劳迪娅认真的说。"It's true Lisa, " said Claudia seriously.

“是我。你在这里做什么?”克劳迪亚问道。"Yes. What are you doing here?" asked Claudia.

“但是你喜欢这样。”克劳迪娅假装没看见她的神情。"And you love it, " said Claudia and winked at Lisa.

克劳迪娅驾驶着汽车,凡妮莎坐在她身旁。Claudia was driving and Vanessa was seated next to her.

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“瑞克,”克劳迪亚柔声说着,走向他。"Rick, " said Claudia softly, walking in his direction.

“现在我们可以谈谈了。”克劳迪亚最后心平气和地说道。"Now we can talk, " said Claudia finally with a calm voice.

“是的,我准备好了。”克劳迪亚说着去取她的女用小提包。"Yes I'm ready" said Claudia and went to pick up her purse.

这是克劳迪亚第一次向别人说起她的经历。This is the first time Claudia is speaking about her experience.

“你们两个快给我停下,我们要撞车了。”克劳迪娅生气地说。"Stop you two or we are going to crash, " said Claudia seriously.

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克劳迪娅希弗在香奈儿的T台上完成了第一次走秀。Claudia Schiffer appears in her first runway show, modelling Chanel.

克劳蒂娅怕黑,但乔易丝却一点不怕。Claudia is frightened of the dark, but Joyce isn't frightened a bit.

新娘的表妹克劳迪亚•德•娜•贝纳对此百感交集。Claudia de la Peña, cousin of the bride, has mixed feelings about it.

并由乌里韦的未婚妻--克劳迪娅·索利斯,在星期五给加尔萨送食品。Uribe's fiancee, Claudia Solis, delivered the food on Friday evening.

克劳迪娅,我无法接受她已经离开的事实,我得找到她。Claudia I can't accept the fact that she has left, I have to find her.

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一些名人如麦当娜和克劳迪娅.希弗曾被发现戴过贝雷帽。Celebrities like Madonna and Claudia Schiffer have been spotted wearing the hat.

之后,克劳迪亚偷渡到美国,被送往纽约。Claudia was eventually smuggled into the United States and taken to New York City.

所有这些天灾人祸加在一起,所产生的一个效应,是增进了中国人的民族自豪感。As Claudia Blume reports from Hong Kong, one effect has been rising national pride.