Use 'macho' in a sentence
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我是大力牛,踏实讲信用。I am MACHO OX, solid and trusty.
太男子气或害怕去看医生?Too macho or scared to see a doctor?
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这似乎是个相当男子气概的指控。This seems a fairly macho accusation.
有些人夸大数字了。There is a sort of school of sleep macho.
现在他们会说“我睡了11小时”Now sleep macho is "I sleep eleven hours."
避孕药可能会使女人对大男人失去性趣。Birth control pill could put women off macho men.
教练是个很有男子气概的猛男。Our gym coach is a beefcake guy with a lot of macho.
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我们的教练是个很有男子气概的猛男。Our gym coach is a beefcake guy with a lot of macho.
真正的猛男,敢于直视惨淡的人生。Real macho man presume orthoptic miserably thin life.
毫无疑问还会有普金充满男子气的照片出现。No doubt there will be more macho photo-opportunities.
电影中那些大男子气的英雄是不宜孩子们模仿的。Macho heroes in films are bad role models for children.
她那男性化的讲话让她成为佛罗里达州南方古巴人心目中的女英雄。Her macho remarks made her a heroine among South Floridas Cubans.
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夸大数字的那些人,“我一晚只睡了42分钟”A sleep macho used to be "I only get forty-two minutes of sleep a night."
这看起来是雄壮的雄性在自己的地盘上让步的少数几次之一。It seems to be one of the few times the macho males get put in their place.
这听起来有一点极客,但是这个习惯大部分是有绝对实用性的。Partly, it's a geek macho thing, but a large part of the habit is sheer practicality.
男人个个又高又壮、气概如虹,而且腹肌都像搓板那样一棱一棱的。The men are bigger and more macho and more stalwart and all have uniform washboard abs.
连布什副总统也拿出了男子气概,放话说他要教训一下某某。Even Vice President Bush fell into the macho mode, saying he was going to kick a little ass.
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你的男朋友在你面前可能会跟别的女人眉来眼去,因为他相信这样做可以证明他很具有男性的魅力。Your boyfriend may ogle other girls in front of you because he believes it proves he's macho.
那么接下来呢,作为豪华SUV领域最有狂野气息的路虎会不会推出一款油气混合动力车呢?So what next, a hybrid petrol-electric version of the most macho of luxury SUVs, the Range Rover?
时尚的时尚新颖的区熔第16马乔和肌肉期待重新确定沙滩自行车市场。The stylish yet innovative FZ-16 has macho and muscular looks redefining the 150cc bikes segment.