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吉玛则更热衷于艺术。Gemma is more artistic.

噢,琼玛将会冲锋在前。Oh, Gemma would fight at the barricades.

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格玛·可蕊儿出生于1984的英国。Gemma Correll was born in the UK in 1984.

前杰玛知道发生了什么,泰需要她。And before Gemma knows what's happening, Ty takes her.

斯蒂文-巴特莱姆和戈马-汤普森在卡灵顿报道。Report by Steve Bartram and Gemma Thompson, at Carrington.

英格兰前锋迈克尔·欧文和他的宝贝女儿吉玛·露丝·欧文。England striker Michael Owen and his daughter Gemma Rose Owen.

在盖玛-豪沃斯的家中,关于谁来洗衣服从来都没有任何疑问。In Gemma Howorth's house, there's never any question who does the washing up.

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吉玛等人更可能谨慎行事,避免制定大胆的决定。People like Gemma are much more likely to play it safe and avoid bold choices.

刚开始我还以为她在洗头或者有意作弄我“,杰玛告诉记者。”"At first I thought she was washing her hair or playing a trick, " Gemma told the paper.

“邦女郎”杰玛-阿特登自认为有着很苗条的身材,但是仍被时尚潮人认为有些胖。Bond girl Gemma Arterton boasts a slender figure, but is still made to feel fat by fashionistas.

即使这份爱不能成就,即使他们已经因误会而彼此错过,牛虻一直深爱着她,直到他生命的最后一刻。Arthur turns his mind to his revolutionary cause and loves Gemma until the last moment of his life.

此星座看起来像一个半圆,在它中间是一颗如同白宝石般被称作“杰玛”的星星。This constellation looks like a half-circle, in middle of which is a white jewel of a star called Gemma.

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本吉马在球赛第57分钟攻入法国的第3个进球,助球队取得3比1最后胜利。Gemma match in the first 57 minutes France scored 3 goals to help the team achieve victory in the last 3 to 1.

我很高兴姬玛没有把我的赛跑当作豪华度假,否则她要为我订了这样的旅馆而大发脾气。I am glad Gemma was under no illusion that this was a luxury holiday – otherwise she would have dumped me for booking it.

一个长期困扰不知情的对象,杰玛已经被绑架了她的跟踪者,并提请荒凉的澳大利亚内陆地区。The unknowing object of a long obsession, Gemma has been kidnapped by her stalker and brought to the desolate Australian Outback.

所以,一切都很好,等姬玛再回来做我穿越美洲大陆最后一程的后援,也只剩下几个星期了。So, all being well, it will only be a few more weeks before Gemma comes back to support me on the final leg of my run across the continent.

当地的护理人员们交口称赞这对双胞胎姐妹,他们说如果杰玛的”感觉“没起作用,莲妮可能已经死了。The hero twin has received a commendation from local paramedics , who said that if Gemma hadn't acted on her "feeling, " Leanne would have died.

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代表瑞典检方的律师吉玛·林德菲尔德表示,之所以要上诉,是因为阿桑奇在保释期间仍有逃跑的可能。On behalf of the prosecution's lawyer in Sweden Gemma Lindfield said that they want to appeal, because the A Sangqi fled while on bail is still possible.

她的双胞胎妹妹杰玛,感到莲妮有危险,她应该回去看看,回家后发现莲妮倒在水里不省人事。Her twin sister, Gemma , had a feeling that Leanne was in trouble and that she should check on her. Gemma did, and found Leanne under the water and not breathing.

米德尔顿就读莫尔伯勒学院时期的同学吉玛威廉森表示,在读书会上,有时一帮女友会一起溜出学校泡吧,但米德尔顿却会留在学校,因为“她不喜欢这些”。Gemma Williamson, a classmate at Marlborough, said that when groups of girls sneaked out of school to go to pubs in Reading, Miss Middleton preferred to stay in, because “it wasn't her thing”.