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大多数是因为铜。Copper, mostly.

在很多时候,说实话。Mostly. Honestly.

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我同意——基本上。I agree -- mostly.

主要是法律上的问题。Legal ones, mostly.

我们最常吃鱼。We mostly eat fish.

这药的主要成分是糖和水。The work is mostly done.

流行音乐几乎都是在鬼扯。Pop music is mostly crap.

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大多数人都很乐于助人,People are mostly helpful,

我真希望自己已经死了,好一了百了。Mostly I wished I was dead.

羊主要吃草。Sheep feed mostly on grass.

牛以草为主食。Cattle feed mostly on grass.

但是这最多像是一个杂耍。But this is mostly a sideshow.

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大半是偷书或钱。Mostly stealing books or money.

她的愤慨主要是道德上的。Her indignation is mostly moral.

我最常见到的是医生和护士们。I saw nurses and doctors mostly.

他们大多数来自哪个城市?Which city are they from mostly?

阿肯色州的大多数人都是支持我的。Arkansans were mostly supportive.

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她经常穿套裙吗?Does she wear mostly skirt suits?

它在中国东北方向。Mostly it is North East of China.

他们大多是先进工作者。They are mostly advanced workers.