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柯南道尔创作了这个有史以来最经典的侦探形象。Doyle created the most iconic detective of all time.

这些充满烟雾的房间是土耳其代表性的景象。These smoke-filled rooms are iconic images of Turkey.

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柯达公司在行业内一直处于标志性领先地位。The Eastman Kodak Company was an iconic industry leader.

2010年10月25日标志着索尼形象的随声听正式步入了历史。October 25, 2010 marks the death of Sony's iconic walkman.

卡斯特罗是世界上最值得崇拜的人物。Fidel Castro is the most iconic figure we have in the world.

但是从她标志性的微笑中,不难看出其实她在强忍着疼痛。But she braves the pain and flashes one of her iconic smiles.

我们要把它留在这搭,它是一种标记,是英国的标记。We need to keep it here, it's an iconic thing, a British icon.

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受到标志性的视频游戏机所启发的创意床上用品。Creative bedding set inspired by the iconic video game console.

标志性的视频街机游戏吃豆人正在庆祝30年的今天。Iconic video arcade game Pac-Man is celebrating 30 years today.

对许多游客而言,这两个建筑会成为北京的标志式建筑。These two iconic edifices will define Beijing for many visitors.

看看你周围的空间,你会想到哪些标志性品牌呢?What iconic brands come to mind when you look around your space?

她使车库摇滚具有了现实性和象征性的双重意味。She managed somehow to make garage rock both literary and iconic.

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这些富有特色的铁塔将成为这片大地的标志,是这片土地的方尖碑!These iconic pylon-figures will become monuments in the landscape.

片中主角由麦考利.卡尔金主演,这也使他成为了那个年代标志性的童星。This children movie made him the iconic child actor of the decade.

管理大师对于快餐业巨头的一次整军经武。A management guru leads an overhaul of some iconic fast-food chains

首先,我们现在的候任总统就是一个标志性的愤怒人物。For starters, we now have an iconic angry man as the president-elect.

连小孩子玩的经典红色玩具车现在在中国制造。The iconic red Radio Flyer wagons for children are now made in China.

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与寿司相同,神户牛肉也成为了日本最具标志性的奢华食材。Like sushi, it’s become one of Japan’s most iconic edible luxury items.

每次蜕皮之后,响尾蛇标志性的环节尾都会增加一节。Rattlesnakes add a segment to their iconic rattles each time they molt.

这个标志性的建筑开启并成为了一个透明的汇合点。This iconic building opened up, and became a transparent meeting point.