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激素治疗包括三苯氧胺和芳香酶抑制剂。Hormone therapy includes tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors.

之后,她服用抗雌激素的三苯氧胺长达五年。After that, she is put on the anti-estrogen Tamoxifen for five years.

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请教你的医生是否该吃降低癌症风险的还原剂,如三苯氧胺。Ask your doctor whether you should take a cancer risk-reducing agent such as tamoxifen.

来曲唑可用于连续5年、每天服用三苯氧胺的绝经后妇女。Letrozole may be used for postmenopausal women who have completed 5 yr of daily tamoxifen.

除非数据绝对明显了,我都会避免使用可以干扰他莫昔芬代谢的药物的。Until these data are absolutely clear, I would avoid drugs that impact on tamoxifen metabolism.

人们对癌症早已不再陌生,所以像它莫西芬这样治疗乳腺癌的药也不会贵到让人倾家荡产。Cancer has been around longer and drugs like tamoxifen for breast cancer don't have to cost a packet.

它莫西芬能导致严重的副作用,包括血栓,中风,子宫癌和白内障。Tamoxifen can result in serious side effects including blood clots, strokes, uterine cancer and cataracts.

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在一期治疗之后服用,Tamoxifen可以降低雌激素阳性乳腺癌的复发。Tamoxifen has been shown to reduce the recurrence of ER-positive breast cancer when used after primary treatment.

她们全体都服用它莫西芬,而其中有五分之一服用抗抑郁药品,包括塞尔特——它是最普遍被使用的药物。All were taking tamoxifen and one of five anti-depressants, including Seroxat, which was the most commonly prescribed.

三苯氧胺是第一个雌激素调节剂,可增加患者的生存率和降低乳腺癌复发的危险。Tamoxifen was the first estrogen modulator shown to increase survival and reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence.

但是三苯氧胺可以增加其他原因的死亡率,例如休克和子宫内膜癌等。However, tamoxifen is associated with increased risk of death from other causes, such as strokes and endometrial cancer.

虽然存在这些副作用,三苯氧胺和另一种同类药物-雷洛西芬已经被广泛用于乳腺癌的治疗。Despite this risk, tamoxifen and another drug in this class, raloxifene, remain an extensively used and popular treatment.

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它发现,使用这些干扰药物——包括百忧解、帕罗西汀以及左洛复——可以消除他莫昔芬的药物作用。It found that using these interfering drugs — including Prozac, Paxil or Zoloft — can virtually wipe out the benefit tamoxifen provides.

Pinkerton博士称,在该项研究之前,医生用三苯氧胺治疗和预防雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌。Prior to this study, tamoxifen was used for the treatment and prevention of oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancers, Dr. Pinkerton said.

这种药物的一个例子就是他莫昔芬,这是一种抗癌药,能够与雌激素受体结合,阻断雌激素信号通路An example of a drug that works like that is the anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen which binds to estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen signaling.

加州大学伯克利分校的N.古哈与同事们也发现豆类食品的作用并不会干涉它莫西芬的药效。Guha N. at University of California at Berkeley and colleagues also found use of soy foods does not seem to interfere with tamoxifen efficacy.

就乳腺癌的防治而言,象三苯氧胺之类的药物是有作用的,Pollak说“但此处我们看到了维生素降低肿瘤风险的重要作用。When it comes to breast cancer prevention, drugs such as tamoxifen can help, Pollak says, "but here we're seeing important risk reductions with a vitamin."

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研究人员利用其成员的病例发现了353名服用他莫昔芬以及其它可能产生干扰的药物的妇女,以及945名只服用他莫昔芬的妇女。Researchers used members' medical records to identify 353 women taking tamoxifen plus other drugs that might interfere with it, and 945 women taking tamoxifen alone.

得益于治疗乳腺癌的他莫西林和治疗前列腺癌的非那司提等类药物,我们已经具备有效的癌症化疗能力。We already have the potential for effective cancer chemoprevention, thanks to specific drugs such as tamoxifen for breast cancer and finasteride for prostate cancer.

但是作者同时也强调妇女们不应该因此停止服用它莫西芬,并且,他们的研究并不意味着是塞尔特引起或影响了乳腺癌的病状。But the authors stressed that women should not stop taking tamoxifen and that their study does not imply that Seroxat causes or influences the course of breast cancer.