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也就是说你需要我的文件和所有的资料?And so you need my files and all my casework ?

实验室柜体侧面图。Elevation view drawing for laboratory casework configuration.

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该方法简便、经济实用、效果好,在实际办案中发挥了较好的作用。This method is simple, useful and with lower cost, we have used it in casework.

固定和移动工作系统的组合,用来规划这些改变。A mix of fixed and movable casework systems should be used to plan for these changes.

然而,这些天线可以相当方向性,往往受影响的产品个案。However, these antennas can be quite directional, and are often affected by the product casework.

在处理案件DNA样本的同时也有一些对照样本进行相同的处理。There are a number of control samples that are also run in parallel with the casework DNA samples.

社会福利机构的调查的被提炼的高雅是正义的您将看在屏幕的预示图像。The refined elegance of the casework is just a foreshadowing of the image you will see on the screen.

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它不仅增加了分析师们的负担,同时含降低了案件的处理效率。It not only can increase the burden of analyst, but also reduce the efficiency in casework processing.

他不断做好累人的社会工作,尤其是涉及人类组织和行为这一课程。He kept up with the gruelling casework , particularly in a course called Human Organization and Behavior.

该联盟的多项生活环境调查都包括手机在学校、特别是教室里的使用问题。A lot of the union's casework involves the use of mobile phones in schools, particularly in the classroom.

这些变化决定于可变的几何形状和使用厚度个案和墙壁。These variances are defined by the variable geometries and the usable thickness of the casework and walls.

在2006年,DNA案件部门通过在线的方式将这些高效设施进行全方位的有效整合。In 2006, the DNA Casework section went online with a validated and fully integrated high-throughput facility.

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他使一个项目由两个分析师分别负责不同实验室近两年。It was made a priority project for two analysts in each of the two casework laboratories for nearly two years.

目的建立使用自动化工作站提取法医案件生物样本DNA的方法。Objective To study the application of the automation workstation in DNA extraction of forensic casework samples.

股票交易所还经办其余业务活动,或者经中国国民银行允许或委托的业务运动。The Excadheree accords with added business activities or casework acceptable or entdecayed by the People's Bank of China.

如今,工程组对自动化系统相当的有信心,并且将其应用到案件样品中。By this time the project team felt quite confident with the automated system and it was made available for casework samples.

“厨房是跳跃的,在整个白色的生活环境中通过蓝色的瓷砖环绕而突出的石台面”,工作室说道。"The kitchen is fresh, with white casework and stone countertops highlighted by a blue-tile cooking surround, " said the studio.

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通过课堂讲座和互动个案,与会代表将增加其知识的深度关键领域中的财富管理。“/峰”Through class lectures and interactive casework , participants will increase their depth of knowledge in key areas of wealth management.

目的概括归纳常染色体STR突变基因座的父权指数计算方法,以在实际检案中应用推广。Objective To summarize the calculation methods of paternity index of mutational autosomal STR loci for application in paternity casework.

在2005年早期,实验室开始调查怎样通过自动化日常移液任务来增加案件的处理能力。Early in 2005, the laboratory system began investigating how it might increase its casework capacity through the automation of routine pipetting tasks.