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岛民是指岛屿上的居民。Islander points to inhabitant of an island.

我在哪里可以在线免费观看电影岛民全部流?Where can I watch Islander movie online free full stream?

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为什么美国要为了那些白痴的原住民去牺牲年轻人的生命呢?Why should US sacrifice lives of young people to support those idiot islander ?

领土的扩张意味着危险离本土的距离越来越远。Length and breadth of land meant the danger would be more and more far away from islander.

戴蒙德很想知道,砍下最后一棵棕榈树的复活节岛人有何感想。Diamond wonders what the Easter islander who cut down the last palm tree might have thought.

在场的亚太裔人士中,以印度裔、韩国裔和越南裔居多。The presence of Asian and Pacific Islander persons, to Indian, Korean and Vietnamese-American majority.

我们实在也不知道该拿它怎麽办,“这个打著赤脚的岛民在树下一边谈吉他一边告诉我。"We just didn't know how to handle it all, " a barefoot islander told me as he played his guitar beneath a tree.

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但是,如果你是一位现代岛民,你会在自己的一生中体验到普遍的气候变暖。Compare that with yourself as a modern islander. Over a lifetime you will experience a generally warming climate.

当蒂姆给一个岛国居民打电话,向他们征求靠岸的许可时,他们问道“你们在哪?”When Tim telephoned an islander to ask permission to bring guests ashore, the question came back, "Where are you?

这种亲吻方式也是很多太平洋的岛上居民所采用的,包括新西兰的毛利人,他们就是这样相互问候的。This kiss is also performed by numerous Pacific Islander cultures, including the Maori of New Zealand, where it is a ritual greeting.

坚强的图里亚夫,来自拉丁美洲的马提尼克岛。过去的三年一直在被心脏开刀手术和职业前景而困扰。The lionhearted Ronny Turiaf, an islander from Martinique, who three years ago was faced with open- heart surgery and a career in doubt.

哈特利曾作为咨询顾问与戴维•琼斯公司、戴尔电脑、和托雷斯海峡岛民委员会合作。Hartley has worked as a research consultant with David Jones Ltd, Dell Computers, and the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission.

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我在当地的市场看过几件上面印有卡通图案正准备要出售的T-shirts,绘制著一个岛民将一个眼神惊恐的白种人吊在满是蒸气的大锅上。I came across T-shirts being sold in the local market with a cartoon of an islander dangling a boggle-eyed white man over a steaming pot.

在亚太裔传统月期间,我们牢记载入史册的各种挑战,并庆祝流传千古的各项成就。During Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we remember the challenges and celebrate the achievements that define our history.

在澳大利亚,澳大利亚土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民与普通澳大利亚人之间期望寿命相差20岁。In australia there is a20-year gap in life expectancy between australian aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples and the australian average.

今年,民俗艺术节的重点在于介绍美国亚裔和太平洋诸岛原住民后裔的生活,以及墨西哥艺术和农业传统。This year, it showcased people of Asian or Pacific Islander descent living in the United States, and the artistic and agricultural traditions of Mexico.

亚太裔健康中心是一家非盈利性的民间组织,旨在为亚太裔人士提供艾滋病防治及性健康服务。Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that focuses on HIV and sexual health for Asian & Pacific Islanders.

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2010年的数字表明,被猎杀的领航鲸已能生产出大约550吨肉以及鲸鱼油,而法罗地区仅有大约49000名居民,这表明平均每位岛民有11公斤。Figures show that hunts in 2010 have produced about 550 tonnes of pilotmeat and blubber for the archipelago’s 49, 000 inhabitants, meaning 11kg ofwhale for every islander.

传统的太平洋岛民的饮食包括大量的椰子肉和油,和那些仍然遵循这样的饮食有心脏病或体重问题的发生率较低。The traditional Pacific Islander diet included large quantities of coconut meat and oil, and those who still follow this diet have a low incidence of heart disease or weight issues.

大堡礁早已被澳大利亚土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民所熟知及利用,它也是当地文化和精神的重要组成部分之一。The Great Barrier Reef has long been known to and utilised by the Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and is an important part of local groups' cultures and spirituality.