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这个汤是深的,带点甜味。The broth is dark and sweet.

人多嘴杂。厨师多烧坏汤?Too a lot cooks spoil the broth.

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这种汤是用清鸡汤造的。This soup is made with chicken broth.

然后过滤汤汁让肉慢慢冷却。Filter the broth and let it cool down.

一小时后我们滤除第一锅汤。In an hour we strain the first broth off.

肉汤很快凝成冻了。The broth turnedsintosjelly very quickly.

那是因为我用了自己熬的牛肉汤头。That's because I used homemade beef broth.

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斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

加入菜汤和桂叶,加热至滚。Stir in broth and bay leaves, heat to boiling.

这也意味着,举例说,没有鸡清汤。That also means, for example, no chicken broth.

然后倒上肉汤把它放进冰箱里保鲜。Then pour it with the broth and put in a fridge.

将上汤从铁锅倒入平底锅中。and pour the broth from the cauldron into a pan.

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锅中加入西红柿块和西红柿酱及鸡汤,大火烧开。Stir in tomatoes, tomato puree and chicken broth.

我们是做面条的,血脉里流淌着汤汁。We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins.

米洗净,浸泡约30分钟,加入高汤熬煮。Clean rice, soak for 30 minutes, add broth to cook.

我要一位能做好的清汤,善烧青菜的好厨子。I want a cook who can make good broth and cabbages.

小小的看起来像切成块的小鸡鸡的猪尾巴汤。Little phalic stumps of swine end in a porky broth.

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煮好的大麦应该是嫩嫩的,炖汤应该是散发着香气的。The barley should be tender and the broth aromatic.

等到开锅后加入鸡蛋。Wait until the broth boils before adding some eggs.

考虑一下用高汤,骨头浓汤或者葡萄酒代替水。Consider using stock, broth or wine instead of water.