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我有没有兄弟新纪元没有儿子。I have no brothers ahd no sons.

我爱你和我的孩子。I love you ahd my children deeply.

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落叶覆盖,没有人的足迹。In leaves no step ahd trodden black.

八加一为什么是三?Why does the eight ahd one is three?

他的一生伴随着贫穷与疾病。He was often poor ahd ill during his life.

施与别人尽可能多的东西,并要欣然而为之。Give people more than they expect ahd do it cheerfully.

泰勒夫妇和许多美国和英国的家长一样。The Taylors are like many American ahd British parents.

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你是孤独、丑陋的讨厌鬼,你必须接受这个事实。You're a lonely , ugly arsehole ahd you must accept it.

查理莱斯状态不好。如果他状态好一点,我想他会赢的。If he ahd been in better shape, I think he would have won.

我来自澳大利亚,我会说英语和一点儿中文。I am from Australia. I can speak English ahd a little Chinenes.

现在还不清楚这个故事发生在何时何地。It is not clear at present when ahd where this story takes place.

其次我们应该跟我们的老师得到他们的支持和帮助。Second we should talk to our teachers to get their support ahd help.

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有只乌鸦偷到一块肉,衔着站在一根树支上,正准备美歺一顿。A crow had stolen apiece of meat ahd sat on a tree branch ready to eat it.

政府三部门彼此审查,以保持权力平衡。Three branches of the Government check each other ahd keep balance of power.

真的第二天,部长,部长跌下来死马新纪元。Really the next day , the Minister, the Minister fell off the horse ahd died.

昨晚他又揍我了,而且比之前更狠、更严重…Last hight, he beat me up again. Ahd it was much worse than all the other times.

当国王得知这时,他生气新纪元派人去抓住一切都会同时分区区会了。When the king learned this , he got angry ahd sent his men to catch Effendi atonce.

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他闭上眼睛,好长时间没有回话。也许,他又睡着了。He closed his eyes, ahd for a long time the didn't answer, Per haps he's asleep again.

认为激光辐射可致人体局部眼损伤及全身性功能改变。It suggests that the laser radiation can produce local ahd general functional changes.

别人总说我是一面镜子,如果一面镜子看着一面镜子,里面能看到什么?People ate always calling me a mirror ahd if a mirror looks into a mirror, what is there to see?