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快死。die so fast.

方快最小。Fast minimum.

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因为我快如闪电。Because I'm fast.

你能跑得快吗?Can you run fast?

蔫得太快了。It dies too fast.

他老得真快。He is ageing fast.

他滑得非常快。He skis very fast.

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我喜欢节奏快的音乐。I like fast music.

别开那么快。Don'tdrive so fast.

你快点穿衣服。Dress yweself fast.

既快速又美味可口。Fast and delicious.

也在快速地凋枯。Fast withereth too.

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我跑的比他还快。I run fast than he.

我一学就会。I'm a fast learner.

兔子跑的快。The rabbit is fast.

咱们不可不尽快行动。We get to act fast.

他老是说得信口雌黄。He is a fast talker.

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你能开多快?How fast can you go?

老大不小的我现在快三十啦!I now adult fast 30!

他走的的确挺快。It went really fast.