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法官要求萨瑟兰在明年3月30日前完成服刑。The judge gave Sutherland until March 30 to complete his jail term.

基弗·萨瑟兰将重新演绎让他获得艾美奖的角色CTU探员杰克·鲍尔。Kiefer Sutherland will reprise his Emmy Award winning role as CTU Agent Jack Bauer.

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报道说,该脚本基夫修打兰氏性格,前往欧洲的电影。Reports say the script has Kiefer Sutherland 's character traveling to Europe in the film.

而在Sutherland的高中时代,音乐剧每晚的演出即使是爆满,也只够塞进700人。Or my days at Sutherland High School performing in musicals each night for packed houses of 700.

台风、猎杀海豹,像极了赫尔曼梅尔维尔的监狱。The typhoons and the butchering of seals on the Sophia Sutherland resembled Herman Melville’s Pequod.

该剧集已经获得了68项艾美奖提名,并在06年赢得了最佳剧情片和最佳男主角两项桂冠。The show has received 68 Emmy nominations, winning for outstanding drama series and for Sutherland as lead drama actor in 2006.

萨瑟兰以一种沮丧的严肃口吻猜测道,购物者开始放弃酒店,选择待在家里的沙发上。In a depressing note of austerity, Mr Sutherland surmised that shoppers were abandoning restaurants and staying home on the sofa.

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SCBP的活动——从观星和旅游到公共演讲和节日——让萨瑟兰的当地社区参与了对话。SCBP events — from star-gazing and tours to public talks and festivals — build a dialogue with the local community in Sutherland.

萨瑟兰以一种沮丧的严肃口吻猜测道,购物者开始放弃酒店,选择待在家里的沙发上。In a depressing note of austerity , Mr Sutherland surmised that shoppers were abandoning restaurants and staying home on the sofa.

在启动的头一年中,每年访问萨瑟兰小镇的游客就从几百人增加到了1.3万逾人。In the first year after opening, the annual number of visitors to the small town of Sutherland jumped from a few hundred to over 13,000.

演员基弗萨瑟兰已经在美国拍摄了一段公共服务宣言,宣传绿色生活方式的优点。Actor Keifer Sutherland has already filmed a public service announcement in the United States extolling the virtues of a green lifestyle.

这位来自牛津英语语言文学系的Sutherland教授声称,她的研究成果反驳了奥斯丁是一个精益求精的文体学家的观点。Professor Sutherland of the Faculty of English Language and Literature claims her findings refute the notion of Austen as "a perfect stylist".

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在2007年9月,24岁的的基弗·萨瑟兰在洛杉矶被指控醉酒驾驶和判刑48天,他没有上诉指控在2008年底开始服满48天。Sutherland pleaded no contest to the charge and was sentenced to 48days in jail. He served the full 48 days of his sentence beginning in late 2007.

不过,BP发现要找到替代思文凯的人选可不容易,所以投资者或不愿BP在思文凯上任还不到一年时又去另觅其他董事长人选.But BP found it difficult to replace Sutherland so investors may be reluctant to embark on another chairman hunt with Svanberg in the job less than a year.

这名吸血鬼尚存的良心使她反抗吸血鬼老巢,破坏由邪恶的基弗•萨瑟兰所领导的血洗行动,并帮助她的受害者逃跑。Our vampire with a heart of gold eventually ended up helping her would-be human victim against her brood, led by a vicious Kiefer Sutherland before his terrorist fighting days.

太平洋舰队司令,舰队的海军上将尼米兹,和海军上将哈尔西欢迎麦克阿瑟和他的参谋长萨瑟兰船上的行政,这是星期日,9月第二个,十九四十五个。Fleet Admiral Nimitz, Pacific Fleet Commander, and Admiral Halsey welcome MacArthur and his Chief of Staff General Sutherland aboard. It is Sunday, September second, nineteen forty-five.

晚上,皇帝陛下和威尔士王子和王妃共进晚餐。此后皇帝有可能邀请萨瑟兰公爵夫人参加舞会。In the evening His Imperial Majesty dines with the Prince and Princess of Wales, and later on it is expected that the Emporer will honour the Duchess of Sutherland with her presence at a ball.