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客栈老板就是经营客栈的人。An innkeeper is a person who keeps an inn.

客栈老板之死仍然是个谜。The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery.

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旅店老板的死还是一个谜。The death of the innkeeper still remained a mystery.

离开巴黎前,我们必须先与旅馆老板把账结清。We must reckon with the innkeeper before leaving Paris.

店主站在一个角落里看呆了,简直不知道说甚么好。The innkeeper stood in one corner and watched the affair.

客栈老板把那个人欠的帐记在石板上。The innkeeper scored up the man's indebtedness on a slate.

皮诺奇给了客栈老板一枚金币后,就跑了出去。Pinocchio gave the innkeeper one gold coin and ran outside.

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「我们如果发现小猫就会杀掉牠们。」旅馆主人说。"If we find kittens here we kill them. " said the innkeeper.

艾吉斯是旅店的老闆,而且也有些东西可以进行交易。Elzix is the Innkeeper and may also have some items to trade.

可能旅馆老板为收留上帝的儿子付出了昂贵的代价。Perhaps the innkeeper paid dearly for housing the Son of God.

唐吉柯德请求客栈主人在星辰下的庭院为他授与骑士的名号。Then, Quixote asks the innkeeper to dub him a knight in the courtyard under the stars.

雪莱和拜伦是贵族子弟,而济慈只是一个旅馆老板的儿子。Shelley and Byron were the sons of aristocrats while Keats was the son of an innkeeper.

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谁在这只部队中?他们被部署到哪里?我们需要听听流言。看看酒馆老板听说了什么没有。Who's in the unit? Where are they deployed? We need rumors. See if the innkeeper 's heard anything.

所有的谬说都在五十年代由里奈的一个旅店老板传播,希望能催生更多生意。Most of the fallacies were started in the fifties by a Rennes innkeeper who wanted to generate business.

随后场景由旅店店主过渡到马槽那一幕,接着天使出场,并对牧羊人说话。They are pointed into the manger scene by an innkeeper. Then comes the angels giving word to the shepherds.

那个客栈老板在照看那个客人的时候,发现他的长相和警察要找的谋杀犯嫌疑相符合。When serving the customer, the innkeeper found that the man fit the description of the wanted murder suspect.

他等待了几天,一无所获。就在这时,他看见旅馆老板穿着一件漂亮的新外衣坐在他的门前。When he had waited some days in vain, he saw the innkeeper dressed in a new and handsome coat sitting before his door.

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玛丽亚妊娠阵痛的时候,客栈的主人给他们安排到马棚里住宿,在这里她生下了耶稣。When Mary goes into labor, the innkeeper offers them the stable, where Mary gives birth to baby Jesus among the barn animals.

奥斯男爵最终承认失败,悻悻离去,旅店老闆及其他人追著他讨债。The baron finally admits defeat and leaves, pursued by the innkeeper and various other people who all demand payment of their bills.

被埃得加凯西开示的信息告诉我们玛丽,约瑟,施洗约翰,在伯利恒的旅馆主人和耶稣他自己全部都是艾赛尼派教徒。The information channeled by Edgar Cayce tells us that Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, the innkeeper at Bethlehem and Jesus himself were all Essenes.