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安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep.

莫拉和萨拉饥饿地看着疣猪逃跑了。Mora and Zara watch hungrily as the warthog makes its getaway.

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英国一流的训马师理查德·约翰森也曾做过扎拉·菲利普的男友。Zara also had a relationship with leading jump jockey Richard Johnson.

贝拉死后,波责辣人则辣黑的儿子约巴布继他为王。And Bela died, and Jobab the son of Zara of Bosra reigned in his stead.

Zara于1998年开设了他家在日本的第一家门店,如今已有了63家。Zara opened its first store in Japan in 1998 and now has 63 outlets there.

皇后的孙女萨拉公主在苏格兰下嫁橄榄球明星丁达尔。The queen's granddaughter Zara Phillips married rugby ace Mike Tindall in Scotland.

现在Zara在纽约,纽泽西,迈阿密和多伦多都有了店面,而且更多的店面还在进行中。Zara now has stores in New York, New Jersey, Miami, and Toronto—with more on the way.

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无形方面,顾客的忠诚和品牌的认可度对Zara的意义非凡。Intangibly, customer loyalty and brand recognition have provided significant value to Zara.

Zara经常是小批量的用空运从唯一的分配中心西班牙送往别处。Zara air expresses goods from its single distribution center in Spain, usually in small quantities.

因为大部分的生产都在西班牙,在供货方面Zara保证了低廉的运输费用。Zara keeps transportation costs low on the supply side, since most of the production takes place in Spain.

空运战略也使得Zara可以只有一个分配中心却在世界各地都有店面。The air express strategy also allows Zara to maintain a multinational market presence with only one distribution center.

在中国,快时尚品牌ZARA近期刚刚创下杭州单店年销售过亿元的纪录。In China, Hangzhou, fast fashion brand ZARA has just recently hit single store annual sales record of billions of dollars.

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然而等到旁边的天河城开出了ZARA广州第一家门店后,万菱汇的ZARA还是迟迟不见动静。However until the Tianhe city next to the departure once the Guangzhou the first ZARA store, Wan Ling Wui ZARA is not static.

另一个参赛者是萨拉太阳能,他们目标是要提供坦尚尼亚,乡村地区太阳能板,让他们有电可用。Another finalist is Zara Solar which aims to provide rural communities in Tanzania with solar panels allowing them access to electrical power.

第三位是西班牙首富、Inditex集团主席、Zara时装连锁店老板阿曼西欧·奥尔特加的小女儿玛尔塔·奥尔特加·佩雷兹。Third is Marta Ortega Perez, youngest child of Spain's richest resident Amancio Ortega, chairman of Inditex, owner of the Zara clothing chain.

米娅·廷德尔出生于2014年1月,她是女王的孙女扎拉·廷德尔和前英格兰橄榄球运动员迈克·廷德尔的女儿。Mia Tindall was born in January 2014. She is the daughter of the Queen's granddaughter Zara Tindall and former England rugby player Mike Tindall.

直到快要生产了Zara才染色印花,因此而减少了浪费,也实现了低库存。Zara postpones dyeing and printing designs until close to manufacture, thereby reducing waste and minimizing the need to clear unsold inventories.

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这种理念似乎有效,就在去年,Zara在欧洲有了350间店铺,18间位于中东,52间位于美洲,5间位于亚洲。The philosophy seems to have worked. As of late last year, Zara had 350 shops in Europe, 18 in the Middle East, 52 in the Americas and five in Asia.

为了与同行更好的竞争,Zar将店铺地点,店铺陈列和产品生命周期作为他的市场工具来吸引顾客。In order to effectively complete with their peers Zara uses location, store layout, and product life cycles to act as their marketing tool to consumers.

他刚刚把剑对准心脏,突然听到窗下传来优美的歌声,告诉他莎拉没有变心,但身处险境,如果他愿意可以把她救出来。Just as the dagger is at his heart, a lovely song is sung under his window, informing him that Zara is true but in danger, and he can save her if he will.