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他是个小贱货,一个没有人喜欢的同性恋。And a homosexual that NO ONE LIKES.

你这个同性恋幽灵,我们叫你现在就出来!You homosexual spirit, we call you out right now!

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弗洛伊德举出的一个典型例子,就是同性恋的欲望。A classic example for Freud is homosexual desires.

我的罗特韦尔牧犬莱斯利有同性恋的倾向。My Rottweiler Les is of the homosexual orientation.

王尔德甚至成了同性恋者顶礼膜拜的“祖师爷”。Wilde went on to become homosexual worship the "ancestral."

一桩涉及两名同性恋律师的欺诈案审判被撤销了。A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.

您能接受亲人或朋友是同性恋吗?Can you accept that your relatives or friends are homosexual?

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什么是错误的该死的你!您没有同性恋柴草?What is wrong damn you! You do not have homosexual Shibakusa?

不得公开向军人提供同性恋服务的18年的禁令结束了。The military's 18-year ban on homosexual serving openly is over.

王尔德甚至成了同性恋者顶礼膜拜的“祖爷”。Wilde went on to become homosexual worship the "God of ancestors."

第二部分概述先秦时期的同性恋文学书写。Chapter two summarizes the homosexual literature in the Qin Dynast.

是的,我看过同性恋者渗透教会跟主日学。Yes, I have seen homosexual infiltrate the church and Sunday school.

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我不认为,大家都觉得同性恋行为是不被允许的。I don't think anyone will argue that homosexual sex is impermissible.

假如在中国允许“同性恋结婚”,你怎么看?What do you think of the legitimation of "homosexual marriage" in China?

他是一个同性恋,常到酒吧与其他同性恋会面。He is a homosexual and frequents bars where he can meet other homosexuals.

事实上,整部有关绿林好汉的剧集中普遍充斥着一种同性情结。In fact, a generally homosexual atmosphere pervades the whole bandit series.

更严重的是,说耶稣是同性恋就等于说他是个性变态。More seriously, to call Jesus a homosexual is to label him a sexual deviant.

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认定自己是异性恋或者同性恋的男女比例相当。Similar percentages of men and women identified as either straight or homosexual.

一个娘娘腔的男人不会告诉你,他是同性恋还是异性恋。And an effeminate man doesn't get to tell you if he is homosexual or heterosexual.

张同时提到女同性恋在HIV感染方面少些风险。Meanwhile, Zhang stated that homosexual women are at lesser risk of HIV infection.