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这是一种经济煤炉。This is an economical stove.

我要最经济的包装。I want most economical packing.

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烧煤气比烧煤上算。It's more economical to use gas than coal.

节俭的购物者等待大拍卖。Economical shoppers wait for auction sales.

但最重要的,这还是一种更加经济的选择。But all-in-all, it's still a more economical choice.

桃为句容市主要经济林果之一。Peach is one of the major economical fruit in Jurong.

富有,但依然过着省俭的生活。Although very rich, he still leads an economical life.

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气轮机的巡航经济性较差。The steam turbine is less economical at cruising speed.

节俭就可以很容易地达到经济效益。Pratice economy will reach economical efficiency easily.

没错。车子虽然小,但是非常的环保,也非常的经济。That's right. It's small, but very green and economical.

这个航线也是最经济的,机票才1900美元。And it is the most economical flight, just 1,900 dollars.

风力发电在有稳定的风力的地区是非常经济实用的。Wind power is most economical in areas with steady winds.

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什么是更经济的替代品?"What's the economical substitute for that?" asks DeMott.

操作简便、快速印刷的实用型胶印机。Economical offset presses for quick printing, easy to use.

地氟醚低流量洗入紧闭环路麻醉安全可行。The low-flow desflurane anesthesia is safe and economical.

我们固守僵化的经济和政治体制。We persevered in the numb economical and political system.

她因对预算的管理无方而被夸奖。事实上在职研究生学历证书。She was praised for her economical management of the budget.

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巨能礼品装系列—时尚送礼、经济实惠。Juneng Gift-Packing Series—fashion, economical and practical.

我们必须找到从页岩中采油的经济方法。We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale.

公司是集科工贸一体化的经济实体。It is an economical entity which contains production and trade.