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拉森附近没有宾馆饭店。Lassen has no hotels.

在拉森智商是一个典型。The Lassen iQ is a classic.

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爬上加利福尼亚拉森火山国家公园的锥形火山,可以完全鸟瞰五彩斑斓的山丘群。Painted Dunes can be seen atop Cinder Cone at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California.

在加州的喀斯喀特山脉,天文学家们正在寻找着外星生命。IN THE Cascade mountains of California, north of Lassen Peak, astronomers are looking for aliens.

在银河系的外面可能存在着一个隐藏的星系,科学家近期在加州拉孙火山上观察到它的局部。A hidden galaxy may be just beyond the Milky Way, part of which is shown over California's Mount Lassen.

在历史上曾经多次喷发的火山叫活火山。美国加利福尼亚的拉森峰火山就是这些活火山中的一座。Volcanoes that have erupted many times in history are called active volcanoes. Lassen Peak, in California of the United States, is one of these.

这个新建的学校大楼是为了定义新式的学习和教学模式。The new flagship Campus for City of Westminster College by schmidt hammer lassen architects is designed to support new ways of teaching and learning.

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半个钟头过后,我带着6岁大的女儿来到拉森峰山区的停车场,准备徒步登山。Half an hour later, my six-year-old daughter and I were in the parking lot of the Lassen peak trail, getting ready to hike as far as we could up the mountainside.

西南方几公里处,是拉森峰的山基,高出海面8000英尺,即使在8月中旬也有巨大的雪堤镶嵌在这片如画风景之中。A couple miles to the south-west was the base of the Lassen Peak Trail. The base was 8,000ft above sea level, huge snowbanks dotting the landscape even in mid August.

西南方几公里处,是拉森峰的山基,高出海面8000英尺,即使在8月中旬也有巨大的雪堤镶嵌在这片如画风景之中。A couple miles to the south-west was the base of the Lassen Peak Trail. The base was 8, 000ft above sea level, huge snowbanks dotting the landscape even in mid August.