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李芬快抹球。Fen dinks the ball quickly.

角和元分行记下。Ninety yuan, six jiao and five fen.

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你五毛我五毛咱们就能一块了。You 50 Fen we can piece I five hair.

门槛之内,群英纷芳。Threshold inside, bunch English Fen Fang.

秦奋渐渐落下个失眠的毛病。Qin Fen gradually falling a sleep diseases.

第四章,案例——汾酒股份的知识转移。Chapter 4, case-knowledge transfer in Fen Wine.

李芬想跟吉姆的父亲学习英语。Li Fen wants to learn English from Jim's father.

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栏中一只鸡胜过沼泽中百只鸡。A pullet in the pen is worth a hundred in the fen.

二传手孙炯从3号位将政治协商会议传给了李芬。Sun Jiong sets the ball from position 3 to Li Fen.

完税价格采用四舍五入法计算至分。The dutiable value shall be rounded off to RMB fen.

每个岛屿周围有一个沼泽。There is a fen around each island – a passable bog.

大的蓝边碗里一碗冬瓜汤,也是五分钱。A large bowl of white gourd soup also cost five Fen.

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李芬建议我闲暇时多看些书。Li Fen advises me to read more books in my spare time.

其实,正宗的广州肠粉做法是很复杂的。In fact, authentic Guangzhou Chang Fen is very complex.

因此在竞争中,汾酒集团落在了后面。Therefore, Fen Chiew Group falls behind in competition.

计程表上显示是八元五角.The reading on the milometer is eight yuan and fifty fen.

这张相片示范分身空心,像虚无的空性。This photo demonstrates the hollow, void-like quality of Fen Shen.

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山西平元由流经这里的汾河灌溉。The Shanxi plain is watered by the Fen River which runs through it.

另一个爱情故事是笑笑和秦奋的试婚。Another scene about love is the trial marriage of Xiaoxiao and Qin Fen.

他伏在莲叶之下、卧在芦苇隐密处、和水洼子�。He lieth under the lotus-trees, In the covert of the reed, and the fen.