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我是一名狂热的山地车手。I'm an avid mountain biker.

穆尔则热衷于技术。Moore was avid in technology.

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他也是个狂热的业馀天文学家。He is an avid amateur astronomer.

小孩们也成为热心的自愿者。Tots also turned into avid volunteers.

她还是一个热心的街头滑板爱好者。She’s also an avid street skateboarder.

他和他的家人都热爱营等。He and his family are avid campers as well.

从前,有一个酷爱打高尔夫球的牧师。There was this preacher who was an avid golfer.

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他同时也是一位跑步健将,喜欢背著背包自助旅行。He, too, is an avid runner as well as a backpacker.

我是个狂热的水手,一个彻头彻尾地深恋着大海的人。I'm an avid sailor, a dyed-in-the-wool blue-water man.

罗斯福,渴望战争,他就此孤注一掷。Roosevelt, avid for war, undertook a desperate gamble.

焦急的猎鸭人要在集市上买一条捕鸟狗。An avid duck hunter was in the market for a new bird dog.

他在法国成为了一个热心的精湛的园丁。He had become an avid and accomplished gardener in France.

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我热衷读书,我还喜欢做饭和烤蛋糕。I'm an avid reader, and I absolutelylove to cook and bake.

政府和代表政府的评论家都是其狂热拥趸。Both the government and its critics have become avid users.

举个例子,他非常热心于参加集会,可那不只是为了好玩。His avid conference-going, for example, is not just for fun.

这是一个对于热心用户可以派上用场的精巧功能。This is a nifty feature that can come in handy for avid users.

伯根诺夫对足球十分着迷,也喜欢弹吉他和唱歌。An avid soccer player, Bergenov is also a guitarist and singer.

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菲利浦思想活跃,对新事物如饥如渴,变得笃信虔城了。Philip, his restless mind avid for new things, became very devout.

有些人认为大多数犯罪可归咎于对金钱的贪婪。Some people think that the most transgress is avid for thr money.

简霍普金斯采访了一些殷切的红酒迷了解他们的看法。Jan Hopkins catches up with some avid aficionados to find out more.