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别忌妒。Don't get jealous.

我不会这么嫉妒。I’m not as jealous.

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她是个醋坛子。She is a jealous wife.

他是个嫉贤妒能的人。He is jealous of talent.

他疯狂地嫉妒子爵He was insanely jealous.

或者我就是在妒忌吧。Or maybe I’m just jealous.

她的姐姐忌妒心很强。Her sister is very jealous.

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你是在嫉妒那个女孩吧。Are you jealous of the girl?

嫉妒那个婊子人偶!Jealous of that bitchy doll!

很显然,他令比尔嫉妒了。He clearly makes Bill jealous.

奥赛罗是位妒忌心很重的丈夫。Othello was a jealous husband.

一定,是嫉妒的西风。A jealous zephyr , not a doubt.

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听起来你吃醋了。It sounds like you are jealous.

我丈夫是个醋坛子。My husband is insanely jealous.

你们是世上最幸福的钓鱼人。I am really jealous of you guys.

第二任丈夫一样是个醋坛子。Her new husband was also jealous.

好像我真的介意似的。我是吃醋了。Like I really care. I am jealous.

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实际上,她一点儿也不嫉妒。In fact, she was not jealous at all.

可能是的——又或者是有些妒意吧。Maybe I am—or just a little jealous.

乔治惟恐失去他的财产。George is jealous of his possessions.