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直角三角形和欧几里德范数Right triangles and Euclidean norms

非欧几何中的六角棋盘!Hexagon Chess Under Non- Euclidean Space.

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我用欧氏距离,但你可以使用任何。I have used Euclidean Distance but you could use any.

欧氏量子重力并没有预先置入因果律。Euclidean quantum gravity does not build in a notion of causality.

使用GTI模型的结果比欧氏距离的要差。The result using GTI model is somewhat inferior to Euclidean distance.

例如欧氏空间在旋转和平移下都不会改变。for example, Euclidean space is invariant under rotations and translations.

欧几里德几何的唯一性与必要性已被公认。The common conclusion was the uniqueness and necessity of Euclidean geometry.

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第三章,我们考虑了欧氏空间上的退火过程。In the third chapter, we discuss the annealing process on the Euclidean space.

概述油藏几何形状和与产油相有关的非均质类型以及勘探策略。The non-Euclidena geometries were in effect subordinated to Euclidean geometry.

欧氏量子重力将叠加原理套用到整个宇宙。Euclidean quantum gravity applies the superposition principle to the entire universe.

此一新法是由双频式测距法改良而来。The distance vectors are available in a distance map made by the Euclidean Distance Transform.

文章从欧几里德几何与非欧几里德几何的定义入手,探讨两种几何形态的各自特征。This article starts with the definition of the Euclidean Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Geometry.

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从数学意义上讲,这种权值学习相当于欧氏空间中对一组点进行了一个线性变换。Mathematically it corresponds to a linear transformation for a set of points in the Euclidean space.

欧几里德空间内基于距离、基于密度的聚类算法均适用于本框架。Distance-based and density-based clustering algorithms in Euclidean space can be used in this framework.

最后重点研究了在多进制调制下基于欧氏几何的LDPC码构造方法。Subsequently, the conception of Euclidean Geometry and four classes EG-LDPC codes construction are presented.

欧氏距离的平方是观察到的加权卡方分布的随机变量的总和。The squared Euclidean distance is observed to be the sum of weighted-chi-squared-distributed random variable.

Pi或者π根据欧几米德几何,它是一个圆的周长和直径的比例,接近于3.14159。Pi or π is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter in Euclidean geometry, approximately 3.14159.

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通过对欧氏环上矩阵的讨论,给出了欧氏环中两个元素的最大公因子与最小公倍子的统一求法。A united method for greatest common factor and least common multiple of two elements in Euclidean ring is given.

研究实对称矩阵、对角矩阵以及欧氏空间的规范正交基。The real symmetric matrix, the diagonal matrix and the orthogonal basis of n-dimensional Euclidean space are studied.

现象世界,也就是我们所感知的世界,必须符合欧几里德几何学的发现。The phenomenal world, that is the world that we experience must, for example, satisfy the exhumes of Euclidean geometry.