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比尔。柏尔。你是安。米勒,对不对?Bill Burke. And you're Ann Miller, right?

柏克→法国大革命反思。Burke. Reflections on the Revolution in France.

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梦工厂动画总裁佩蒂·柏克同意此点。DreamWorks Animation President Patti Burke agrees.

凯西•勃克是一位英国女演员和戏剧导演。Kathy Burke is an English actress and theatre director.

伯克无意识地摊开四肢靠着窗户睡着了。Burke was asleep, sprawled obliviously against the window.

“咱们都能提供精神食粮,”奥马登。伯克先生说。We can all supply mental pabulum , Mr O'Madden Burke said.

他听了笑着说,伯克也已经向他推荐了这几位。He laughed and said Burke Marshall had recommended them too.

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关于席安布叙克女王的记录是绝密的。Records concerning Princess Rhianne Burke are highly classified.

柏克把伦敦的公园比作人体里的肺。Burke compared the parks of London to the lungs of the human body.

阿利伯克级驱逐舰就以他的名字钟云命名,也是唯一一艘以华人名字命名的美国海军驱逐舰。The Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Chung-Hoon is named for him.

管理巴扎的肉孜伯克立即派人通报乌斯曼。Management of bazaar RouZi burke immediately sent notification usman.

关于这事,总有一天奥马登。勃克会写点什么的。O'Madden Burke is going to write something about it one of these days.

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事实上,正是因为伯克使得卡乐的整个努力得以开展。In fact, it’s because of Burke that Karle’s whole effort got under way.

琳赛今年17岁了,她得到梅根。博克等朋友的帮助。Giambattista, now 17, runs it with the help of friends like Meghan Burke.

布尔克可以基本上只通过电子邮件向招聘人员提问。Mr. Burke was able to quiz the recruiters almost exclusively through email.

“爸爸的小女孩”写由Bobby伯克和霍勒斯格拉赫于1949年。"Daddy's Little Girl" was written by Bobby Burke and Horace Gerlach in 1949.

也许多莉丝•伯克和她的制图团队某一天会向我们展示真正的变化到底是什么面貌。Perhaps Doris Burke and her graphics team will someday show us how it really turned out.

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他的思想融合了迪斯雷利和埃德蒙•柏克的一些观点,以及某些虚浮的怀旧思想。His thinking combines bits of Disraeli and Edmund Burke with a somewhat fluffy nostalgia.

“在接下来的一个月内还将有大量海龟出现”,Burke说道。"They're going to have a trickle of turtles all throughout these next months," says Burke.

在西方美学史上,爱德蒙·伯克第一个区分了美与崇高。In the history of western aesthetics, E. Burke first distinguished between beauty and sublime.