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但是容易赚到钱的影片是爱国宣传片。But the easy money is in patriotic pap.

生产件批件过程不能被应用于所有的供方。PAP did not apply to the all suppliers.

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我得开始今天的工作——55张巴氏异常片等着发报告。I had to do my today's work-55 Pap sign out now.

全肺灌洗治疗效果显著。Whole lung lavage is an efficient therapy for PAP.

观察宫颈细胞学病变,用巴氏染色较好。Pap stain is better for Gyn-cytology to identfy abnormality.

上一轮,只有无聊的主演凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格。Last time round, there was just pap starring Catherine Oxenberg.

CDC机构HPV工作组的主管劳里.马克维茨说,在有巴氏涂片检测程序的地方,很少有妇女死于宫颈癌。Where there are Pap smear programs, few women die of cervical cancer.

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以前的研究暗示FRAP和PAP具有共用的角色身份。Previous research hinted that FRAP and PAP may have a shared identity.

选举进行的时间,正好是人们对人民行动党经济政策日益增长的不满情绪达到顶点的时候。This election coincided with growing discontent with PAP economic policies.

你的医生将做一次体检,包括带子宫抹片的骨盆检查。Your doctor will do a physical exam including a pelvic exam with pap smear.

全肺灌洗是肺泡蛋白沉积症最安全和有效的治疗方法。WhoLe lung irrigation is the safest and the most effective way to treat PAP.

巴氏细胞中LSIL诊断的一致性高于组织学中CIN1的诊断。Diagnostic agreement of LSIL in Pap cytology is better than CIN1 in histology.

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该法可用于预处理含PAP的工业废水。The method could be used to pretreat the industrial wastewater containing PAP.

新加坡的选举系统对组织良好、有一定基金的政党有利,比如人民行动党。Singapore's electoral system favors well-organized, well-funded parties like the PAP.

如果它是“没有病理改变”,然后患者可以恢复正常的年度子宫颈抹片检查。If it is "No Pathologic Change", then the patient can resume normal annual Pap smears.

在这种情况下,子宫颈抹片检查是一个非常有效的“筛选”测试宫颈癌癌前病变。In that light, Pap smears are a very effective "screening" test for cervical precancer.

样本描述。按惯例行巴氏涂片,液基细胞学检查或者其他类似检查。A description of specimen type. Conventional Pap smear, liquid based cytology, or other.

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而我们厚脸皮的PAP政府居然依旧宣称我们有很高程度的医疗补助!But our very thick-skinned PAP government can still claim that we are heavily subsidized!

一直到几年以前,最好的办法就是利用子宫颈抹片检查,来发现和治疗癌前细胞。Until a few years ago, the best defense was a pap smear to detect and treat precancerous cells.

30岁前的女性每年应进行一次宫颈涂片检测或者每两年进行一次液基细胞学宫颈涂片。Women younger than 30 should have a Pap test every year or a liquid-based Pap test every 2 years.