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这也是蓬勃发展的市场。It’s also a booming market.

作为一个歌唱家,玛丽的名气大起来了。Mary is booming as a singer.

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在快速发展市场中反应过慢?Slow to act in a booming market?

中国南海海水炸起来了。Booming waters in the South China Sea.

虚拟世界是一个蓬勃发展的领域。One booming area is in virtual worlds.

senator约翰的追随者正竭力为他鼓吹竞选美国参议员。His followers are booming John for U.S.

中国已与肯尼亚加强贸易往来。China already does booming trade with Kenya.

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花开了,树也发芽了。Flowers are booming and trees are burgeoning.

像低音管一样,悄悄地在天上发出隆隆声。Booming softly through heaven, like a bassoon.

自从我扩大商店以来,生意日趋兴隆。Business is booming since I enlarged the shop.

随着地动山摇的一声巨响。With the booming sound which shakes the earth.

近几年,中国的菊粉市场逐渐兴起。The inulin market is booming in China recently.

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然而风能产业却在迅速发展。Nevertheless, the wind energy industry is booming.

一年前,义乌市是蓬勃发展的中国的一个窗口。A year ago, Yiwu was a showcase for a booming China.

电话中的宏亮嗓音容不得他兀自发窘。The booming telephone voice cut through his dilemma.

一个新的,看不见的声音从扩音机里嗡嗡地传来。A new, unseen voice was booming through the PA system.

一位钢铁公司的官员表示业务兴旺。A steel company official told me business was booming.

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我怀念那些景气大好的美好旧时光。I miss the good old days when the economy was booming.

在1820至1830年间是个繁荣的市场It was a booming market society by the 1820s and 1830s.

与你精诚合作,共创繁荣市场!Sincere cooperation with you to create a booming market!