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帕丁顿有一场日光浴!Paddington was having a sunbathe!

这是设在伦敦的帕丁顿希尔顿。This is located in Paddington London Hilton.

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在春天开花,可以在新农场公园或帕丁顿观赏它们。Bloom in spring. View them at New Farm Park or Paddington.

翻滚桥坐落于伦敦帕丁区。The Rolling Bridge is located in Paddington Basin, London.

伦敦帕丁顿火车站与伦敦希思罗机场有火车连通。London Paddington has train connections to London Heathrow Airport.

其中最著名的两款就是小熊维尼与柏丁顿熊。Two of the most famous ones were Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear.

帕丁顿升起了他的帽子,而且驾驶员猛然关上再一次被关上的窗户了。Paddington raised his hat and the driver slammed the window shut again.

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他到达帕丁顿车站,从那里又步行到坎伯兰旅馆。He arrived at paddington station whence he walked to the cumberland hotel.

目前该公司已经对16辆火车都装配好了这种液晶电视,这16辆火车是从伦敦帕丁顿地区驶向英国南部的。So far they have equipped 16 trains, which travel from London Paddington to southern England.

在一个下着雨的周五下午,我们的火车抵达标志性的帕丁顿车站。Arriving on a rainy late Friday afternoon our train pulled into the iconic Paddington Station.

派丁顿拿起他的手提箱,紧随着朱迪踏上了通往一扇绿色大门的路。Paddington picked up his suitcase and followed Judy up a fight of white steps to a big green door.

这便成为王十字火车站、圣潘克里斯、尤斯顿、帕丁顿和伦敦市中心之间的快速通道。This would be a shuttle between King's Cross, St Pancreas, Euston, Paddington and the centre of London.

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这辆出租车配有“记忆海绵”床垫、枕头、羽绒被、床头灯和帕丁顿泰迪熊。The taxi comes with a "memory foam" mattress, pillow, duvet, a bedside lamp and a Paddington Bear teddy.

这辆出租车配有“记忆海绵”床垫、枕头、羽绒被、床头灯和帕丁顿泰迪熊。Thee taxi comes with a "memory foam" mattress, pillow, duvet, a bedside lamp and a Paddington Bear teddy.

来自伦敦的受邀者乘坐的是6点23分从派丁顿开出的一辆特别的西部大列车。These of the invited coming from London were conveyed by a special Great Western train, which left Paddington at 6.23.

其他三人已在帕丁顿警察局接受审讯,关于伦敦汽车炸弹袭击事件。Three people being held at London's Paddington Green police station over the London car bomb attempt are still being questioned.

来自伦敦的受邀者乘坐的是6点23分从派丁顿开出的一辆特别的西部大列车。George's Hall. These of the invited coming from London were conveyed by a special Great Western train , which Paddington at 6.23.

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一个样式精致的配饰手镯挂在伦敦西部,帕丁顿的一家典当行的橱窗上,看起来有些时日了。CHARM bracelet festooned with trinkets, worn and slightly dented, hangs in the window of a pawnshop in Paddington , in west London.

想找1991年去帕丁顿站的火车路线图相当困难,而这,也许可能正是小说作者希望的效果。This has made it rather difficult to identify rail-services from Paddington in 1991. Perhaps, again, as the author may have intended.

我只需要携带几件简单的生活必需品,所以不到半小时我就带着我的旅行包上了出租马车,车声辚辚地驶向帕丁顿车站。My wants were few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I was in a cab with my valise, rattling away to Paddington Station.