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新生的光梗蒺藜草幼苗其基部叶鞘呈紫红色。The basal part of the renascent seedling is mauve.

耶稣于是让他们复活,变成他们想要的样子。Jesus makes them renascent then, turn them into wanted look.

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既能促进伤口愈合,又能防止伤口粘连,对新生皮肤和伤口无二次损伤。It can't make secondary injury of the wound and renascent skin.

当形成足够厚的氧化膜后,阳极的氧化速度减慢,阳极表面才析出氧气。All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film.

随着中国综合实力的提升,民族主义呈复兴之势。With the elevation of the integrated power of China, nationalism turns to renascent tendency.

其实只要认真分析,找到了被K的原因,还是会有复活的一天的。Want serious analysis only actually, found by the reason of K, still can have a renascent day.

而且现在很多双进程木马互为监视,互相复活。And each other of trojan of a lot of pairs of processes is surveillance now, mutual and renascent.

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新兴的人类得了关节炎和心肌炎。他们是否会衰老还是返老还童,这是个问题。Some renascent mortal got arthritis and myocarditis, and whether they will be senescence or juvenescence is a question.

洛杉矶奥运会成为了一场壮观的美国复兴的商业和乐观主义的表演。The Los Angeles Olympics became a spectacular dramatization of a renascent American entrepreneurial energy and optimism.

非营利组织是社会经济发展的一支新生力量,其经营管理水平的高低,是其健康发展的关键。Not-for-profit organizations are renascent in social economic development whose healthy progressing relies on its management levels.

翻译终止是蛋白质合成的最后一步,它包括肽酰t-RNA的水解以及新生肽链的释放。Translation termination is the last step of protein biosynthesis, which contains hydrolysis of peptidyl-tRNA and release of renascent peptide.

与此同时,复活归来的勇士马维,在光明世界的指引下逐渐成为一名勇猛的黑暗终结者。Meanwhile, renascent returning Trojan horse dimension, those who be in bright world is how-to fall to become a bold and powerful dark terminator gradually.

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独立学院作为高等教育的一支新生力量利用其特有的优势和便利条件对于培养青年学生起着不可替代的作用。As higher education of the independent college renascent by its unique advantages and convenient conditions for cultivating young students plays an irreplaceable role.