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为了弥补赤字,他们必须压缩开支。They must retrench their expenditure for the purpose of making up the deficit.

随着大手大脚的消费者缩减支出,预计将有更多的传统商家关门大吉。Expect more bricks and mortar stores to close as overstretched consumers retrench.

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例如,中国的经济增长无疑会放缓,因为其主要的西方国家客户减少了。Growth in China, for instance, will undoubtedly slow, as its major western customers retrench.

当欧洲和美国商人削减费用的时候,全球的出口正愈来愈依赖中国。World exporters are increasingly relying on China as consumers in the U.S. and Europe retrench.

当然,消费者的财富造成了大量的损失,这足以让他们开始节约。Sure, consumers have lost a good part of their wealth, and this is reason enough for them to retrench.

为了解决高频信号频谱检测系统数据采集慢、体积庞大的问题,开发了基于DSP芯片的数据采集及处理系统。In order to improve the speed of data acquisition and retrench the high frequency signal detecting system, a data-acquisition and transacting system is put forward based on DSP.

而现在只有能付得起一大笔首付并且收入丰厚的优质借款者才能得到抵押贷款,我们已经看到住房建造业及住房销售业乃至整体经济的紧缩。Now that only stellar borrowers with large down payments and hefty incomes get mortgages, we have seen the homebuilding and home-buying industry, and with it the economy, retrench.

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水电工程项目建设过程中,正确把握混凝土的“内实外光”标准,对于节约工程投资有着重要的意义。In the course of hydraulic projects, accurate hold the standard of "smooth outside with compacted inside" of concrete, which is of great importance to the retrench the investment of project.

将正交试验法应用于微电机的设计改进,不仅可以减少试验次数,缩短试验周期,而且大大节约了试验经费,提高了电机设计质量。The application of orthogonal experiment can reduce the time of experiment, and shorten the period of experiment, and retrench the expense of experiment and improve the quality of motor design.

坚信未来增长将来自国外的日本企业,正对在中国的新投资作出承诺,即便它们在国内继续缩减和重组。Japanese companies convinced that future growth will be found outside their own country are committing themselves to new investments in China even as they continue to retrench and restructure at home.