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我因患痛风而感到脚趾像刺扎的一样痛。My toe is pricking with the gout.

那位老人正受着痛风病的折磨。The old man is suffering from gout.

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这些天,我的痛风病闹得很厉害。My gout troubles me so much these days.

如今Ilaris也对痛风病有效。Now Ilaris also seems to work for gout.

他因痛风病已卧床两个月了。He has been confined two months by gout.

抬出灵怄,让哀悼者前来。Bring gout the coffin, let the mourners come.

痛风是由于嘌呤代谢异常引起的疾病。Gout is caused by abnormal metabolism of purine.

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腕管综合征继发性痛风是少见。Carpal tunnel syndrome secondary to gout is uncommon.

泼尼松龙能否作为痛风急性发作期的一线治疗药物?Should prednisolone be first-line therapy for acute gout?

然而,没有研究表明维生素C是治疗痛风的一种方法。However, vitamin C hasn’t been studied as a treatment for gout.

但我还是很迷惑,毕竟这是品味的问题。But I'm equally baffled. Chacun a son gout. It's a matter of taste.

这样就可以通过降低体内尿酸的水平来降低患痛风的风险。This may lower the blood’s uric acid level and reduce the risk of gout.

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痛风是遍布全球的代谢障碍性疾病。Gout is the metabolism obstacle disease that spreads all over the world.

在痛风发作期,典型治疗是用减缓炎症的药物。During an attack, gout is typically treated with drugs that cool inflammation.

方法门诊收治的43例患者,根据临床表现,化验室检查和X线摄片而确诊。Methods 43 patients of gout were confirmed by laboratory test and X-ray examination.

观察内外兼治痛风性关节炎的临床疗效。Clinically observe the cure effect of gout arthritis treated internally and externally.

痛风是一种常见的关节炎发病形式,可引起肿胀、红热和关节僵硬。Gout is a common, painful form ofarthritisthat causes swollen, red, hot and stiff joints.

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目的为寻求一种对治疗痛风病更为有效而且服用方便的方药。Objective To find a more effective and more convenient Chinese medicine in treating gout.

痛风病人痛风性关节炎是由关节处尿酸盐结晶沉积引起。This is gout. Gouty arthritis results from deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints.

痛风可以运行在家庭和是造成太多的化学所谓的尿酸在体内的。Gout can run in families and is caused by too much of a chemical called urate in the body.