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这绸子会起皱。The silk will cockle.

海扇的味道非常好。The taste of cockle is very good.

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把纸弄得起绉做花。Cockle the paper to make a flower.

扇壳一种似扇的贝壳。A shell similar to that of a cockle.

飘逸长裙加上草帽凉鞋,实为柔和搭配。No. My cockle hat and staff and his my sandal shoon.

没有。我那顶用海扇壳装饰的帽子、手杖和既是他的也是我的草鞋。No. My cockle hat and staff and his my sandal shoon.

一种杂草类的欧亚植物,通常对谷物的种植有害。Any of several weedy plants, especially the corn cockle.

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皱皮木瓜又分实生、野生和栽培品种。Cockle papaya is also the health, wild and cultivated varieties.

愿这地长蒺藜代替麦子,长恶草代替大麦。Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead of barley.

据此提出防止皱皮缺陷应该采取的措施。According to these, the synthetical measures to solve Cockle Defect were put forward.

本文就现浇钢筋混凝土螺旋楼梯施工提出一种模板支设方法。The author explores a new way of erecting molding board in the construction of job-placed reinforced concrete cockle stairs.

在铸铁件消失模铸造生产中,经常遇到铸件表面出现皱皮缺陷,影响铸件的表面品质。In the process of EPC production, the cockle defect on casting surface often occurs which influences surface quality of castings.

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在2月12日和13日,将有超过3000名桨手在科克湾参加非常受欢迎的赛龙舟,随着鼓点声划起浆来。On February 12 and 13, the much-loved dragon boat races will see more than 3000 paddlers compete to the beat of a drum on Cockle Bay.

在2月12日和13日,将有超过3000名桨手在科克湾参加非常受欢迎的赛龙舟,随著鼓点声划起浆来。On February 12 and 13, the much-loved dragon boat races will see more than 3000 paddlers compete to the beat of a drum on Cockle Bay.

本发明涉及纺织工业领域的整理剂,特别涉及一种防皱免烫整理剂。This invention relates to the tidying solution for the spin industrial area, which is special about the cockle protection and permanent press tidying solution.

针对螺旋楼梯的特点及计算原理,结合工程实例,论述螺旋楼梯的结构计算流程。Based on an engineering case, a brief discussion is made of the structure feature of the cockle stairs and the relevant calculation principle for it, with a flowchart for the calculation provided.