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帝凡尼壁灯。Tiffany Wall Lamp.

蒂芬妮学得很快。Tiffany is quick at learning.

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瞧那个新出道的女运动员迪芬尼!Look at that new girl Tiffany move!

想不想每天都身带名贵沉重的Tiffany?Want to wear a ton of Tiffany every day?

蒂芬妮一夜间完成了三个专栏。Tiffany knocked out three columns overnight.

蒂芬妮喜欢摇滚乐,薇薇安则不喜欢。Tiffany loves rock music, but Vivian does not.

大家好,我叫汪肖燕,是一名对外汉语教师。My name is Wang Xiaoyan, you can also call me Tiffany.

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蒂芙尼巧妙地灯用铜箔的方法。Tiffany crafted his lamps using the Copper Foil method.

好像路易威登和蒂芙尼这样的名牌到处都是。It seems like the likes of LV and Tiffany are everywhere.

蒂法尼用简单的装饰技巧翻新了起居室。Tiffany revamped her sitting room with simple decorative tricks.

蒂法妮正在举行啤酒聚会。她邀请了一些要好的朋友。Tiffany is having a kegger and a few of her intimates are invited.

然后,再咨询一下卡地亚、蒂芙尼,或者梵克雅宝的专家。Then consult the experts at Cartier, Tiffany or Van Cleef & Arpels.

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我,我是有想过,蒂芬妮不过我以为她得回家去。Well, I thought about it, Tiffany , but I thought she had to go home.

蒂芬妮和男朋友山米要去山米家。Tiffany and her boyfriend, Sammy, are going to Sammy's family's house.

蒂芙妮笑着搀起了茱莉亚,而她却满脑子疑惑地到了保健室。Tiffany smiled and held Julia, who was confused down to the health room.

蒂芬妮一边看著一套很棒的餐具组,一边跟一名店员交谈。Tiffany is looking at a nice cutlery set and talking with a store employee.

不过在每个细分市场,这前五家公司并不都相同,其中领跑的五家公司分别是香奈儿、路易威登、雅诗兰黛、蒂芙尼和古琦。Among the winners are Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Estee Lauder, Tiffany and Gucci.

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查尔斯刘易斯蒂芙尼通常是用昂贵的钻石帮助把握!Charles Lewis Tiffany is usually a grasp with the help of expensive diamonds!

这已经是美国一流珠宝商蒂芙尼公司销量的两倍多。It is already more than twice the size of Tiffany &Co, a posh American jeweller.

蒂芙妮对警察对我说是他是在床上犯了心脏病猝死。Tiffany told me and the police that he had a heart stroke while they were in bed.